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Show New Instructor For H Agricultural College H J. D. Howell, who was added to tho teaching force of tho Agricultural College by the action of the recent board meeting should add much to tho new efficient commercial course glvon at that institution. Mr. Howell la a native of England where he obtained ob-tained fame for ability as a Bteno-graphor Bteno-graphor and typewriter, before coming com-ing to Utah. In London ho was principal prin-cipal of tho North Metropolian School of Shorthand for two years, nnd teacher of tho same subject for soven years. In addition he was official offi-cial oxamlnor of Tho Society of Arts, London Chamber of Commerco nnd National Teachers Union. For some years ho served as Mnstor at'Clard's Civil Servlco Collogo, which had an enrollment of 4000 pupils. I Although a foreigner by birth, Mr. Ul Howell Is now a strong Utahn and a IH worshipper of Cacho valloy, which fl ho says is tho most wonderful valloy UbbbI in tho world. He'ds enthused with liiS 'tho prospects for next year at tho (MbLLLV collego and is a full fledged dlsclplo WbLH of tho doctrine or practical cduca- WbLLI tlon. He says the odo objoct of SLbLV pursuing a courso In shorthand la to fKBBBBBBBBBal mako practical uso'or'li, and ho will IibbbbbbbbbbbI endeavor to showhlavupils how IIbbbbbbbbV this can be dono In a short tlmo. IbbbLLLI Other subjocts, ho bu)ib; nro essential mLLLV to becoming a good noto taker. No ilLLLH stenographer can tnko. intelligent Iibbbbbbbbbb! notes of a lecturo unless ho under- iiLLH stands what Is being said, thcreforo 1 a public stenographer must bo a wolt a IbbbbbbbbbI educated person who can got tho gist of most any subject. aLLB |