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Show RESPECTS TO THE FLY It Is said thht tho fly serves no good purposo. It Is a mistake. He performs two ery good oervlccu. Ho tenches tho teachablo to tleun up and keep clean, and ho kills off th others Tbnt Is, he assldunufily wo. If to cause n s'urlM of th3 fittest. Let us give the devU his duo. While we give him credit for that much ycod, let us be among tho teachable. If wo hao n private stable, let us sec that tho refuse Is haulpl each wtek, nnd dally If a large ono or a publ'c ono. Let us seo that tho ground around and under tho refuse bu:r Is saturated with crude oil 0' ttrongls Infcctants, ns tho fly maggots, It Is found, crawl through the rofuso :uto tho ground If thero Is - any poisi'rio way to get there Hero they Htay until un-til they como out full fledged files. They will not go Into earth saturated satur-ated with oil, however, and It would bo-necessaryto use the oil' but 'onco a yea?.?7,V While you honor tho" fly for killing off the unit, see that he does not set Vou Into tho wrong class. |