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Show Live Work at the A. C. Summer School B An interesting Improvement of this year's Summer School nt tho A. C. over last year Is tho decided Increase In the courses for which tho college stands. Tho registration for tho courso in nature study, for instnnce, has Increased GOO per cent over what It was last year. This Is largely duo to the fact that Professor Hogenson has Introduced a set of lectures on Boys' and Girls' club work. These lectures aim to train men and women wom-en to conduct tho contests which tho collogo has outlined for their respective respec-tive districts. The large registration shows how badly the need Is felt. Play hour at the Summer School is an hour sot nsldo for recreation VIibbV and Instruction in proper games for 9I!LLV homo and school. Educators ovor tho HlhaH whole United States aro demanding illLI that teachers conduct systomntlc and iLLLl wholcsomo exercise for their pupils laLLH Tho games which tako placo dally at iiLH tho college aim to train these teach- H ers and at the same tlmo 'givo them ilLLH some good wholcsomo exercise. ikiaH Tho model living rooms ''in tho art HiLH department havo been visited by a MLH large number of -tpe'rioils't Interested ILLV in that subject. Many, moro will HiaH doubtless call boforo, th'o rooms- aro BaiH removed. Professors Flctchor and nLLifl Powell aro always 'present and will- lLLfl Ing to explain tho purpose of It all.- lLH |