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Show TOILE DE JOlY WAISTCOATS Strong shades ot orange, blue nnd red on a white ground hro seen In tho tollo do Jouy waistcoats, which aro tho latest accessory of tho spring tailor made costume In brown, black or navy. If theso colors seem to bo too glaring they may bo toned down with embroidery slitchory in silk floss to "match the materials of tho costume or somo of their vivid coloring col-oring moy be, painted out 'with black Tho waistcoats are loosely fitted col-larless col-larless and havo doublo breasted fronts fastening with ivory or white enamol ball buttons. Most of them are made separately from the suit coat so thut they may later bo worn with tailor madfes'' In; white crash or linen. . |