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Show DEBATE DELAYS VOTE ON CANAL TOLLS REPEAL -Lines Drawn, However, Tor Disposition Disposi-tion of Measure Which Is Attacked At-tacked by Opposition Washington, June 8. Debato in opposition to tho Panama canal tolls exemption repeal occupied all of today to-day In tho Benatc, and frustrated efforts ef-forts ot Democratic leaders to reach a oto on tho repeal bill. Senators Polndcxter, Martlne and Smith of Michigan, spoko during the day and Senator Smith will contlnuo tomorrow. tomor-row. ,.Ines were drawn for tho lln-nl lln-nl disposition of tho measure, however, howev-er, and parliamentary, preliminaries wcro completed. Senator Simmons presented to tho senate as a substitute substit-ute for tho committee amendment to the repeal bill, tbo compromise amendment agreed upon Ty hlmsqlf and Senator Norrls of Nebraska. This amendment declares that the passage of tho bill shall not tie construed- ns a relinquishment of any right the United States mhy have under un-der tho Hay-Pauncefoto treaty or otherwise. Senator Sutherland criticised tho Norris-SImmons amendment and proposed pro-posed tho following; Provided, that nothing herein shall bo considered as denying or abrldlng the right ot the United States to discriminate dis-criminate In favor of the ships ot commerce of its citizens In respect) of the conditions or charges of traffic traf-fic which may bo imposed for tho use ot tho Panama canal, but on tho con trary, such right is hereby reasserted. reassert-ed. Expect to Reach Vote Today Administration leaders asserted tonight to-night that they expect to reach a vote on. the Norris-SImmons amendment by-tomorrow by-tomorrow afternoon. Senator Polndexter told tho senate that Great Britain debato was without ground on which to baso a claim to consideration In tho control ot tho canal. Ho assorted that tho treaties botween tho. United States and Great Britain referred to tho proposed Nt-caraguan Nt-caraguan routo and did not affect tho Panama routo. Says President Erred Tolls exemption for both coastwise tind ocean going American ships were urged by Senator Martlno ot Now Jersey. Ho regretted differing with, President Wilson In tho controversy and said: However honest tho president may bo he my err, and I bollevo In this, instance ho lias committed a most grievous orror. Tho1 Democratic administration was taken to task for.iita.Jforolgn policy by Senator Smith,, who. declared, the president has, not, tbo .far slghtedncts of his predecessors. ' - . J haw fc , ,., '6 |