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Show M1 WEDDING CULMINATES ROMANCE OF 20 YEARS J. H. Leyton, Former Salt Laker, Takes Boston Musician for His Bride Boston, Tuno 3. A somewhat romantic ro-mantic wedding took place in Newton villo this afternoon when Miss Grace Weston Lunt, n Boston music teacher, becamo tho brldo of John Hill Ley- son, jeweler of Salt Lake and Butte, Montana. Mr. Leyson Is 70 years of ago and lost a leg at tho battle of Fredericksburg Fred-ericksburg In the civil war. His br'do Is 42 years of age. Their romance had its inception twenty years ago when Mr. Leyson was located lu Waltham, the famous watch town 2 miles from Boston. Mr. Leyson decided de-cided to seek his fortune in the wesL He located In Salt Lake. Ho corres ponded regularly with Miss Lunt. Business prevented him from returning return-ing to this part of the country. After moving to Butto Mr. Leyson returned to his old home. His arrival arriv-al was a surprise to Miss Lunt. Miss Grace D. Lunt of Mount Vernon, Ver-non, N. Y., niece of tho bride was tho maid of honor and John Leyson Van-pel Van-pel of West Somervlllo, a nephew of the bridegroom, was the best man. Tho couplo will make their homo in Butte. m s |