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Show The Logan Republican i t E Published By The I !' v LOQAN NEW8PAPER COMPANY, " i i i ' Logan, Utah r z - j'1' ' Official Republican Organ of Cache County, Utah. U fi Entered at tho post offlco evory Hp. '. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at $.' Logan, Utah, as second clhss matter.. $ SUBSCRIPTION RATE8 " ? It By Mall omo Year .' $3.00 Six Months 1.50 Threo Months 75 j By Carrier Ono Year $3.50 ;; Six Months 1.75 ' Th-w Months 90 F If not paid In advance, add fifty tents per year extra. ' Subscribers wishing tho uddress of v their paper changed will pleaso give former as well as their proaont ad-j, ad-j, J dress. All papers aro continued un til explicit ardor Is rocelvod! by us to , 1 discontinue. All arrears must bo paid In every c&so. |