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Show Logan Republican t - Publlihed By The ,., LOGAN NEW8PAPER COMPANY, ? ' Looan, Utah 1 Otnclal Itopubllcau Organ of Cache County, Utah. !1 Entered at tlio post ofllce every J t, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at j f r " Lognn, Utah, as second class matter. $ , 8UB3CRIPTION RATE8 By Mall i Uno Year $3.00 Six Months 1.50 Threo Months 75 By Carrier One Year'....'. $3.50 Six Months 1.75 Th-e Months 90 If not paid In advanco, add fifty tents per year extra. Subscribers wishing tho address of their papor changod will please give former as woll as their present address. ad-dress. All papers aro continued until un-til explicit ardor Is received by ua to discontinue. All arrears must be paid in every cane. |