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Show THE SOUTH IS AGAINST WW SUFFRAGE SBKH WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Now IBil that the new Republican House and MEBB3W Senate have passed tho constitution-. QSBbB nl amendment granting tho suffrage jyffiHBl to women on the same conditions as 9ri9KS to men It Is feared that tho cause BtUIHI will bo temporarily lost In the rick PBH ribbed southern Btates. hEII In Georgia a test vote on accept- ISfflfflPB Ing a test vote on ratification re- t$wMH evaled a 37 to 12 majority against WiPvlB It. In tho House tho propoitlon Is QBifl said to bo much greater. In Alaba- EBWvQ .inn the suffragists havo mndo a splr- JHrlH Ited fight, but a poll has shown that 5&ra9 27 out of 3G aro against tho amend- Mtfjrafl ii'tcnt. Tho Virginia legislature meet B9 In AugiiRt nnd It Is fenied that con- lfl servnttve opinion there, which has jH steadily voted the Democratic ticket H since the days of Andicw Jackson, H nnd which has long advocated tho grandfather clnuso by which negroes' have been excluded from the ballot, will exercise Its authority nnd rojoct H the amendment. In the remainder H of the southern states aro to be H found, according to tho claims of tho H Democratic niombcrs ot tho Hnuso H and' Sennto from thoro, who havo so 1 persistently fought the suffrage am- H endment In Congress, tho votes to H prevent ratification. Hf |