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Show NOTICE OF INTENTION" TO TAX ;! !i Notice Ss berciiy gUcn or tbo In- r tentlon of Paradise town, Cache ( County, Utah, and Its Hoard of Trustees Trus-tees to create Water Main District , Number 1, within said Town, and to , make and construct the following Im- , provements therein, to-wit: For the purpose or supplying the i Inhabitants of said town with water i for cullnniy, domestic, stock water- i Ing and municipal purposes, to In , and construct metal wntr mains . with all necessary valves and Ir".n i connections, tienchlng nnd excavations excava-tions on Thlhl North street betwroi, First West street nnd a point four hundred slxt two (462) feet wet't of the southeast coiner of Work foi'j-' one (-11). l'lnt "A", l'.iradlso Town-' site Survey, on Second North si et between First Kast street and Fiist West street; on Flist North stivel between Flist West street nnd a point bIx hundred four (C04) feet west of the Southeast coiner jf Block twen-ty-nlno (20) l'lnt "A", Paradise TownBlte Suivey; on First Noithl street between Main sttcet and a point two hundred twenty-eight (228) feet east oT tho Southwest corner cor-ner of niock Twenty-flvo (25), Tlat "A", Paradise Townslto suivoy; on First North street between Fotuth East street and the Nortli and South centerllno of section twenty-seven (27) Township ten (10) North Itange 1, East on Center s.rcit between First West street and Fr,r.'th Has ntreet; on First South street btwcen In point six hundred twent .' ven (27) feet west of tho Southeast .'o-ner .'o-ner of Dlock seventeen (17) Plat "A" Paradise Townslto Survey, n.-d a point one hundred forty-nine (H9) feet eaBt of tho Southwest corr.u of block sixteen (16), Plat "A", Paradise Para-dise Townstte Survey: on First South street between Mnln nnd Second East streets, also on First Soutli stieet between be-tween Third East Btrcet and Fourth East street; on Second Soutli street between Flist West street nnd a point ono hundred sixty-five (1C5) feot east of tho Southwest corner -it niock ton (10. Plat "A", Paradlso Townslto survey; on Third South street between Main street nnd First East, and on Third South street between be-tween Second East street and Fifth East street: on Tlrst West street between be-tween Thl id Soutli nnd Third North street; on Main sheet between n point one hundred seventy-one (171) feet South of the Southwest corner of Block three (3). Pint "A". Fnra-dlso Fnra-dlso Townslto Survey nnd tho cast nnd west center linn of Section twenty-eight (28). Township ten (10) North, Itange 1 East; on First East street between Third South street and Center street nnd on First East street between First North street and Second Sec-ond North street; on Second East street between Third South street and First North street; -on Third East street between Third South street and Center stieet; on Fourth East street between Thlid South street and First North street, and on Fifth East street between Third' South strcefand a point two hundied fifty-two (252) feet North of tbe Southeast corner of Block fourteen' (U) Plat "B", raradls.i .Townslto! Survey, all in Paradlso Town, Utah, I and to defray tho whole cost thenof, estimated at J2C.000.00, by a lo:il assessment upon the lots or parcels of l.iuil within the proposed dl3t.lct to be bene fitted by said linprnvoniiiilts the d "crlpilnn of s.ild piopoity ,n 1 'bouniliri s .if Bald district boinfc ni follow h to wit: Lot 1 to f Inclusive In Blocks 1, 2, 3 '. 11 1.' 13, 14, 1C, 1C, 21, 22, 27 JX and 13. all III Pint "A," Paradise Para-dise town i 'o Survey; lota 1, C, 6, 7 and Hlotks 1, 8, 20 and 32, Plat "A ' P.imdio TownMte Sujvoy; Lots 1, 4, 5, C. 7, and 8, Block 10 Pint "A" .Painslisc 'lownsito Survey; Lots 1, 2, C, 7, and 8, Blocks 17, nnd 29, Plat "A ' P.ir.idi-e Townslto Survey; Lots 1, 2, 5, C. 7. and 8, Block 23, Paradise Para-dise Townslto Survey; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and S, Blocks 24, 2C and 34, Plat "A'Taradlso Townslte Survey; Lot 2, Block 25, Plat "A" Paradise Town- lte Surc, Lots 2 and 3, Block 31,1 I'lal A" Parndlfe Towuslte Survey, Lots 1 nnd 8, Block 40, Pint "A" I'amdlsn Townslto Survey; Lots 1 uid 2. Block 41, Plat "A" Paradise rownsltn Surey; a parcel of land Icbcrlbed ns follows: Beginning at a point on Fouth rice if Third Soutli stieet ono hundred (100) feet South of tho SouthwcM coiner of Block thre (3) Pint "A" Paiadise Townslte Suiey, nmt tunning tun-ning thenco South ono hundred (10 I) feet; thence cast seven hundred tlx-ty-fhe (7C5) feet; thunco no'th one hundred (100) feet to the south side of Third South street, thence east al ong said side of said stieet seven bun dud thirty-eight (738) feot; thenw south ono hundred (100) feet; thence east twenty-two huudied nnd fot-r (2204 feet; thence north ono hundred hun-dred (100) foot to tho south lino of Thlid South stieet; thenco nSo-.ig said side of said street thlity-seci bundled four (3704) feet to tin point' uf beginning, and being furtb-ei furtb-ei described ns being In tho lioithwost qui.lter of Suction 34, and tbu nuithenst nunitcr juf taction 33, all In Townmiip 10 ' JNonh, Itnngo 1 East; lota 1 to 8 lu-' rlushu on blocks 1, 2 ami 3, Pint' "11" Paradise Townslto Suney; Lots 1, 2, 0. 7 and S, Block 4, Pht 11" P.undlbe Townslto Survey; Lo'g 1 and 2, Block 10, l'lnt "11" Parf'luo Townslto Survey; Lots 2, 3, 4, D and (i. Block 11, Pint "B" Paradlso Town-1 site Suivey; Lots 2, 3, 4, aal fi, ' Blocks 12 nnd 13, Plat "II" Paradlso1 Townslte Suivey; Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5' and 8. Block 14, Plat "B" PaiadUo1 Townslto Survey; Lota 2 nnd 3. Block 15, Plat "B" Paradlso Town-site Town-site Survey; Lots 5, Block 18, nnd J Lot 2, Block 19, nil In Plat "B" Paradise Townslte Survey. All piutcsts nnd objections to the creation of said dlstilct nnd tho making mak-ing nnd construction of the eb'.vr nnd foiegolng lmpiovemcnts there'll! and tho levy of said special tux must! be filed with the Clerk of tba Pourd of Tiustecs of said town on or ho-tfore ho-tfore tho 10th day of August, 1919, at which time tho Board of Tiuatceb will meet in Paradise Town, Cache County, Utah, nt the hour of 9 o'clock p. in. for the puiposu of hearing any and all objections uud protests that may be m filed or made. i Dnted this 19th day of July, 1919. ' By oidci of the Boaid of Tiutlees lot Paradise Town. J JOHN WELCH. Ad-8-lC Clerk. ! . |