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Show LOCAL NEWS . The local schools will soon be go-lag go-lag again and then for a few more people to be seen oa the streets. TatLetw'ui Cache valley beys that arc statloned.'at the University' aem to' be headed for France at a Y ery near elate. ' ., . Mr. Joseph. Leran la down from Focatello visiting his brother Sam Levan. Mr. Joseph Levan was for- tner manager of the Hub. .' ' Ous Gordon.' the city editor of the j Journal, is naw also doing -.the work of Fred. Marshall, who Js taking his : vacation. , , ... s - : . j --, ; A,' A little -Rain of thirteen miles yes- tnlay on the British 'front must ljave hmade the kaiser further stag I Wf. ' ';$: ; , 'i , Twp dollars Vlll' he the price ot( I peaches' this fall. How does that' . '! 1', - " 1 . . ! strike you, whon. no sugar can' be ased. :, fi . j-;.- Moae Stofol Ihb famous .'duarter i; Mckqfthg'A'ggleB. football tcam has V wUten Coach jQQson of his intend Kutulmlssloner Borgenson was In I yStni'i- '. h iMtm yesterday. Ho reports his boys : (Presidio as doing excellent nnJ i lneyiwiU bo In good sliapo for col- ; leg4;thlrfall. - Thoughts ot tho football team this ', fall are being oxpresucd. Fear has j been felt tbatVsHm attendance of V -I Y - - - J ' V men would mako possibilities for a good team very remote, but when such men as Stubby," Steifel, Jarvls, Lolo Spencer, Cannon, Gardner, 01- ... h, r ' son,-Jordon, Victor Larsen, Worlcy, rTammond, Edwards, llarrl, Nogalo, Zabrlska and. Honrold have signified their intentions ot returning, alt hpuch fear Is banlshedf i i 'Word comes to Logan that the U. ' A; C. faculty members are 'having, a hard time of It at the Presidio. A lllttlo "too strcauouc for the old follows fol-lows pefiapsr" '4'"r ". , i-wi ( ; f '" Tho following men have boen. selected se-lected to go tojtho University of Utah for a two months training in mechanics: Horace S. Daugli, Frederick Fred-erick A. Gardner, .Harvey J, Olson, Itulon It. Itleby, Ilulon "D?iijughant Jes&o E. Hancey, Ed. Shoomak6r, Arch L. Baxter, C. D. Card, Ernest E. Earl, Myrl-Hyer, O. Jf Allen, Leonard Leo-nard Hill, Peter Chrlstensen Jr., Arthur E. Krebs," Newel J. H Olsen, r ..' . ' .' If r Delmar -Daines, JGlon n. Winn, Eth- er Jensen. Alternates Jos. . IMc- Murrln, Percy. Qulnnoy, Rosel ,H. El;' wood, David, SlmWj .. . , ,, Tj, Mr,'vaif,Jli. Owen has bo'o'n , appointed ap-pointed County Food Administrator' rfor Cacho, county) Look out, '.for Mr. Owen Is after the slackers, both From. tho military ranks and the fel-; lows who are loaf jng about. There are fow young men in our midst , 'who"hhvd money and time to "Spend in riding about In automobiles. -These fellows according lb Mr, 6w en will bo mado to produce sn?BY thing or got Into the army. ' J-t t , ' - ;' ' , Donnlo Davis, formerly thopopu- : far clork at tho Hole! -Eccles, ' lias , Joined he army. Ho left Logan yos- ' torday for, San Pedro. ' ' ? ?:;.'- , , FQIllSACE Maro four years old ,' with kgood, colt, or will trade 'for !4 - cow. A,- Hoffman; -Rlyor Heights.-.. V i , i 'tafviv : i,"V'i 'pV':,. . -iff, i V ' " V |