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Show War Veterans ' ' ,-Tiio following letter lias been re- ' . ' cfcivcd from Richard A. Norrla, Commander of the United Spants.li V ' War Veterans, nnd Is self cxplana- I tory: J ' Ogden, Utah, Aug. 3 Dotar Sir: I trust you will assist us lu tho campaign Just started by tho United Unit-ed Spanish War Veterans. You will notice tyr a copy ot a newspaper clU. ring that" wo nro Inclosing tho purpose pur-pose or our campaign. Recruiting Officer McLeod Is well known to tho , ' citizens 'of this territory, having ' spoken from tho pl.Uforms of a, number num-ber of meeting houses, theatres and plcturo houses. Ho Is a hard work er and always endeavored to do all In his power for tho good of his govornent. Ho Is a tireless worker for the Red Cross, War Savings ' , Stamps and Liberty bonds. Salt Lake Is tho main station for Idaho and Utah, and In the two states thero nro nine recruiting stations." sta-tions." When Sergeant McLeod took charge of tho Ogden office It ranked seventh . In tho list ot accepted applicants. ap-plicants. At tho present tlmo it ranks first, nnd ho expects to Ueop Ills 'territory In lead. Wo cannot tell you of tho best plan for raising this money. It Is up to your own judgment A num-. num-. , "" Jwr of methods-can bo used. Newspaper News-paper publicity, a few lady solicitor or small boxes or tin cans with a sign on them, and placed In the different dif-ferent stores where people can deposit de-posit one cent or 'more. We- uo not wish you to try to iorco any citizen, hnd wo do not wish any one to bo -Urged" to donate. Some - people may be willing to give their Lincoln pennies, others a dime, and soiro rcay wis:!; to clva an much as e. dollar. If each person gives ten ceiits, suGlclc-t funds will bo raised to purchase a first class car, and a db good supply ot gasoline! - At the suggestion ot Sergeant Mc Leod ,the car will be painted "with the white and red strlpeirof the flag. The hood will be the field of bluo, with forty-eltfht stars In white. The words painted in gold 'will be ','Do-nated ','Do-nated to the United States Army Recruiting Re-cruiting by the Patriotic Citizens ot (name ot counles and cities'.)" Trusting this meets with your approval ap-proval ,and that w'e may recelvo your help. Donations may be sent to George Duncan McLeod, Recruiting Officer, ""' United States Army, Ogden, Utah, or Wm. Phillips 2470 Hudson Ave. ' Ogden Utah, We wish to hare the car within thirty days, and' you will have the ' pleasure ot having the recruiting sergeant drive through your city, and you may see with your own eyes tho gift of 'your people. This cause is a worthy cause, and deserving of your support, as a car Is badly needed on recruiting work, nud it Is something that the government govern-ment docs not furnish. , Wo do not wish the eastern states or California to lead us In recruiting work. They have presentod tho Recruiting Re-cruiting service wfth cars why not us? This cttr is to be tho property of . tho United States government and iiot he proporty ot tho recruiting officer. of-ficer. jfc' Wo wlfl bo glad if you can nrrango & to havo tho first donations sent ln- 2 to ono of the nbovo receivers within ! ton days. Wo nro, very respectfully . ' yours to help win tho war, -UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERA ' United Spanish War Veterans Tho' clipping to which Mr. Norrhr referred to is taken from tho Ogden Stanllard, nnd Is as follows: . As recognition o ftho recruiting work Sergoant Cloorgo D. McLeod of Ogden has been doing- for tho Unit- , ed States nuty nnd In order to mako his work oaslori'nnd moro produc- tlvo tho Joctxl camp of- tho Unltod i, '" 4 1, ' " l Spanish Wnr Veterans last night voted to start a fund to purchaso nu automobllo suitable for recruiting purposes. The car will be painted with stars -and the red nnd white stripes of thoWmerlcan flag and will bo used exclusively for recruiting recruit-ing purposes by Sergeant McLeod. Sergeant has kept his station nt ho front In recruiting with a number o ftlmely campaigns recently and for his good work In this respect tho Spanish War Veterans decided he had gained a right to their assistance. assist-ance. He Is n member ot.tho local map, having served 'through the Philippine trouble, Cuba nnd Borer wnr In Cubn. Several other towns In tho west have started popular subscriptions to securo such cars for ho United States army recruiting stations and tho work has ;jcen greatly Improved bocauso of tho ability of tho men to get around the country, canvass the smaller towns and distribute their ndverlslng material. Tho veterans last night startod the fund by pledging themselves n contribution of ?1 per man. According Ac-cording to their plan a contribution of ten cents or morS will bo acceptable accept-able for the fund and may bo mailed to the United States Recruiting Office, Of-fice, or the Ogden Standard, until the fund is largo enough to purchase pur-chase a suitable car. It Is expected a good second hand machine may be purchased or some dealer found who will soil a car for this purpose at cost4 The Ogden station covers territory In Wober, Boxelder, Davis, Rich, Mnrgan Cache and EV'.nunlt counties and contributions may be' sent from anyone' desirous of helping the fund from nil or llnsa counties. Sacramento recently equipped Its army recruiting btatlon In a handsome hand-some way by the' cooperation of several sev-eral business houses some furnishing furnish-ing tho car, others the oil, others the gas and signs, etc., and that station sta-tion was brought as a result, into one of the llvest recruiting districts ot the west. In Ogden the recruiting staff Is small but a remarkable record has been maintained during the year through the efforts of Sergeant Mo-Leod Mo-Leod and his men. McLeod was the first recruiting sergeant in the state to enlist the aid ot a woman recruiter, recruit-er, the first to start the "Carry a Soldier" campaign, which, by the way, Is bearing fruit in a reassuring manner, and he has always championed cham-pioned the army and the uniform wherever he went. ' tl was suggested by tho Spanish War Veterans that other clubs ot the city make up the campaign and end support. Ten cents, may be contributed by anyone they hold, without feeling the loss and, "with a general cooperation, will soon build the fund Into one sufficient to equip tho local office as desired and make It the equal of any in the west. |