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Show AllolpK 7.lOV frasonta Pciiilirve K V vmauEN lV 1 SAHl,ou Fed oral . ICfXmmounlCpkturo sequent meetings, win his love. Iler motive In doing this is to obtain from Ipanoff a confession and then to turn him over to tho pollFcrbut when sho learns that tho Bhootlug of Valdlmlr was Justified In consequence con-sequence of' his lntrlguo with Ipan- oft's wlfo , all her hesentment towards to-wards him changes Into love nnd sho screens him from tho pollco and latter lat-ter marries him In Russia. , Some weeks later tho brother of Ipanoff, who had been previously arrested at th'o Instance o( Fedora Is accidentally drowned In bis dungeon dun-geon by the overflowing of the Neva and when this news reaches his mother mo-ther sho dies. Ipanoff learns that a woman Is responsible for his brother's bro-ther's arrest and he swares to bring her to justice, unconscious of tho fact that this woman Is his own wlfo. In a sceno of tremendous dramatic power, Ipanoff learns that his wlfo Is tho woman ho Is seeking nnd when ho attempts to stranglo her she eludes him and after swallowing swal-lowing poison dies at his feet. Whllo the themo o ttho photoplay . necessarily Is sombre, It possesses an intense interest for every beholder, behold-er, and this Is heightened by the artistic work performed by tho various players In tho cast. Jcro Austin, as I.orls Ipanoff, appeared to exceptional advantage whllo W. L. Abingdon, as Gen. Zarlskene, tho Chief of Police, was excellent. WU-muth WU-muth Merkjell, as uiunl, gavo a flno portrayal of tho exacting rolo of Count Vladimir Androvitch, whllo tho others in tho cast were qulto capable. Other feaures on Manogor Thatchers bill Include a great Comedy -."Rattle Royal." 1 ! |