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Show A FRIEND PAYS TRIBUTE TO JOS. HOWELL Hon. Harry S. Joseph of Salt Lako I i City, former representative in tho legislature from Salt Lake rounty, and speaker of the House ot Representatives Rep-resentatives started from his homo to attend the funeral ot tho lato Hon. Joseph Howell. An automo-bllo automo-bllo accldenv on tho way prevented him from being at tho funeral. Mr. Joseph will bo remembered as Speaker Joseph nt a time when It took courage to cut looso from his associates and tako a stand on tho great Agricultural College question. Mr.. Joseph possossod tho courage, and It Is largely through his efforts and tho good work ho did as representative repre-sentative and speaker that settled tho coltego question In favor of Its present location. Mr. Joseph has always al-ways been a warm friend of this countyand her pooplo, and was like- ny wise a closo friend of tho late Congressman Con-gressman Howell. Mr. Joseph writes tho editor as follows: Salt Lako City, Aug. C, 1918 Hon. Hcrschel Uullon, Hdltor I.ogan Kcpubllcan, Logan, Utah: My dear Senator: Ono of the keenest regrets of my llfo Is that by reason ot an automo-bllo automo-bllo accident whllo enroute, "I was unablo to bo present at the funoral services of our mutual dear departed depart-ed friend Congressman Joseph 1 row-ell. row-ell. However, I want to tako this bolated opportunity to pay my hum-bio hum-bio tilbuto to his memory nnd Impart Im-part It to you. I knew "Joo" Howell intimately for Mho past fifteen years and no moro sterling soul ever breathed the breath ot UiIb llfo. His word was hts bond and you know that says a great deal especially In tho sphere ot politics whore- men are not usually rated highly. But the Copgressman was tho exception, and whenever no gavo his word to me, he stuck to the last ditch. In his death not only his Immediate Imme-diate constituency but the enlre state has met with an Irreparable loss. Common Is the expression "In death we are soon forgotten." The strong-ets strong-ets trust, bravest among us grows weary, faints and falls along life's path. The busy activities of life are amongst us and overwhelm us and those who are gone are too otton gone from our memories. Not so will It bo with the former congressman. congress-man. His whole carcor as I know It Illustrates that fidelity to private and public duty, which will kcop fresh and greon his momory. It Is only after life's changing strugglos that man can host bo judged aright. It Is only after the hero has waged his last battle can wo realize tho full portent ot his vlctorlos. It is only after a public ofllclal has passed' away that wo can reallzo tho value qf his lifo's work. It Is only after tho nolghbor, ur a life tlmo has' cono ,that wo can senso tho truo meaning 'of his. e.iithly presence "Joo" Itowolhwas strpng In tho I character Which ho built. Ho lived iaml (iqlttHu A perlodjof exceptional Importanco tq-U.tnh.ntid tho United States, t -When:. Ms was.- la- Congress .the Union: ojijoycd' Its.-fUH jnensura of unlversanieace. Ub.Itetgdri'.Cipn- I - : -!&& gress In a period which in Industrial H advancement, in expanding com- H merce, in me auvauceraeuv oi h cation, in the betterment of clvlllza- H tion, was more eventful than any v.H like period In our state or National H life. In afl ot these Joseph Rowoll H took his part and In It, he measured , H up to tboso requisites which' ever H mark tho truo citizen and tho H worthy publlo official. I wish tlmo ' H I nnd spaco would permit mo to say H more. Ho believed In his Qod, his H home, and in his friends. His effort was not for narrow H bettercnt, that of self alone, but for H that botterment which affected' tho H Individuals and community ot which M lie was a part. No buglo announced H his comings and golugs but results H told of his being "thcro." Ho mado M many warm friends and kopt them H and I am proud to proclaim that I H .was ono ot them. To havo beon his 9 .friend was a pilvllege, tho momory H ot wltleh will ho pleasing and last- 9IGPP I With my warm personal regards, ?v I nni, truly yours, $ HAIUtY S. JOSEPH. && tfktih |