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Show A MOUNTAIN OF CAVERNS. While troutlng recently In tho upper up-per waters of Cactus Creek in tin Sequoia National 1'ark, California,. A. I., Medley and C. M. Webster dls-covored dls-covored a remarkablo cave. It Is In thesouth side of a large mountain of whlto limestone in a rough and unfrequented neighborhood, but so convenient to thorough-fares that large numbers of Sequoia tourists are visiting it. About six hundred feet of the cavehave been explored so far. The main gallery is from three to thirty feet wide and from ten to sixty feet high. There are many side chamber, cham-ber, aael galleries. Prom these, narrow openings show vistas of extensive ex-tensive regions beyond in every direction di-rection which can only be explored t ' by enlarging tho openings from tho gallerfM -now accessible. Enough has been seen, howevxJr, to warrant tho belief that tho mountain Is a mountain of caverns, Thocavo is ono of great beauty. The sldo walls, roofs, and much of tho flooring aro brilliant with stalagmites stal-agmites and stalactites and other shlnglng mineral formations common com-mon to limestones caves, |