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Show NO SUGAR FOR . -M LOGAN GO EASY FOR AUGUST Tho sugar question no doubt Is nt ; H present a household topic ns at this iH writing a pound or sugar could H scarcely bo purchased ln Logan. Tho H question Is, 'has Jogan uscu ucr ui- h lotmcnt or Is thcro somo dlscrlmin- H ntion shown In favor of other cities 'H and towns, as plenty of sugar can bo M 'had In tho near by settlements' add H larger cities. -H Tho merchants Interviewed yester- H day did not Uko tho situation nnd M wero at a loss to know Just how to M account tor H Anyway an lnvcslgatlon ls being 'M inado with tho ho'po that sugar can H soon bo again purchased. Many of H thq merchants wero' chagrined to 1 havo' no sugar on hand while others H did. But now practlcaUy ovory storo M In Logan has run out. It -is alright M to go without sugar for a tow days H It all do and If wo havo eaten our H nllotmont, then a moro careful B checking up will havo to bo inado H this month ns wo aro suro a great H many ot our citizens nro living wttn- 5MQ In tho law while others aro not, W& henco a general suffering for all. !S |