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Show !!.,i, DF,S ANDERS MAKES GOOD BICYCLE MAN Whenever a young man come:) In- iH (o our city and starts a now outer- H prlso and makes good wo believe It 'H ls Our duty to recognlzo htm. ' 'H Mr, N. J. DeSaudcra camo to Lo- 'H gan from Salt Lako City three years ago and started a sporting good: 'H store. Ho was located on West 'H Firts North In tho storo now occu- ' pled by tho Consumer Wholcsato -1 Grocery btore. After a year's ox- t'H pcrlencc ho dropped tho athletic dc- "H partment ot his storo and took up tho exclusive sale ot bicycles. "Dick" ;H as ho ls commonly known to Y'lie H boys, soon beenmo a friend to every -H young lad In this city. "Dick" han- 'H dies the Plcrco -wheel. Ho was raised fH In a bicyclo shop In tho east, his i fathor being a bicyclo manufacturer. ' Dick whllo a lad holpcd his father Jl nfako many of tho wheels- used by t? many ot tho leading riders ot tho ''l world. So to put It plainly nil' that " A Dick llo'esn't -know about a blko Tvl needn't bo picked up nt all! - H Uolsdcs tho bicyclo that Dick sells ' ho Is agent for tho famous Harlcy- :B Davidson' motorcycle. Ho has sold a H great many ot theso to the college H and took nnothcr order a tew days :H ago from tho city for ono of these H motorcycles. 'The motto ot Dick Is H "Service." Ho nlms to tako caro of , 1 tho bicycle rider and from tho way H ho Is doing now ho will always havo ,H plenty of business. H |