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Show Housewives Fair Price List i The Food Administration of Utah has set the maximum maxi-mum prices on articles to be purchased from stores carrying car-rying food articles. A representative of the. Food Administration Ad-ministration met with the local merchants and the following fol-lowing prices agreed upon and violation of this ruk Nhould be immediately reported to the Food Administra-on. Administra-on. . j.',,.... mv-w Abundant Carrots, Beets,New Potatoes, Green Corn, . Lettuce, Apricots." . Normal Dewberries, Blackberries Scarce Cherries, Raspberries STAPLES Wheat flour, 48-pound sack $2.60 Wheat flour, 24-pound sack 1.30 iWheat flour, bulk, pound .06 Barley flour 24-pound bag 1.70 Barley flour, 10-pound bag , .75 Eastern Cornmeal, 10-pound sack .60 Local Cornmeal, 10-pound bag .55 Oat flour, 10-pound bag .95 Oatmeal, 9-pound bag : .95 Sunripe Rolled Oats, large size .40 Japan rice bulk pound, .12 Irish Potatoes (old) pound IV4 Navy beans, pound : .15 Pinto Beans, pound .12 Canned Tomatoes, N62 cans, per can 1 .15 Canned Tomatoes No. 2?2 can, per can .17 Canned Corn No. 2 can, per can .15 & ' .20 Early June Peas, per can l.17 June. Peas .15 Sockeye Salmon, 1-pound cans , .35 Sockeye Salmon,. .pound cans , , .20 Tall pink AlaskaSaTmon No. 1 cans, per can .23 Tall Red Alaska Salmon, per can .27 Evaporated Milk, (unsweetned) 6-oz. cans, 4 for .25 Evaporated milk (unsweetened) -16-oz cans 2 for .25 Np2 Corn rrup, can . .20 No. 10 Corn Syrup, can .95 No. 5 Corn Syrup, can . .50 Lard, small can I '. .95 Larq, .medium can ' 1.65 Cbttolene, small can -v .70 Cptfolene, medium can . 1.25 Cottolene, large can 3.00 Lard, large can 3.00 I, Crisco, small can .60 j ja!risco, medium can 1.25 jWJrisco, large, can 3.00 I Raisins, seeded, 16-oz. pekgs. per pekg. ....... .1j "I Raisins seedless 16-oz. pekgs. uckg. '. .15 I MEATS I Rib boil, pound .20 I Hamburg pound : . .25 I Flot bone tenderloin (bone in) pound .30 I BEEF I Standing rib roast, pound : i25 I T-Bne steak, pound .30 I Rolled ribs (less bone) pound . ..30 I Pot roast, pound 1 .25 I Shanks, pound - , .08 I Round Steak, pound .30 Heel-of beef, pound .25 fRump roast, pound Z I 1 I .25 Flank steak,. popd .30 Shoulder steak pound .25 Sirloin steak, pound .30 .FORK Pork roast, pound .28 Shoulder, pouffiT" .25 I Boiled ham, pound , .60 Ffh. hahjs, pound 2S( ISPJWS-4 46 1 SSfSaaS-7-: : FaBacon, pound .55 I MUTTON I Leg of Mutton, pound .30 Lamb Chops, pound . : .35 MuttonJchops, pniinrl' ,30 Lamb shoulder roast, pound . 28 I Lamb shoulder roast, pound . .22 Lamb stew,?pound . . .25 I DAIRY PRODUCTS I Ranch Eggs, per dozen .35 I Butter, creamery, pound - .50 I Cheese .(American full cream) pound .35 H - r-Tfc-r la sms Catarrh la this section et the emsattr thaa'aH other mun Wit to Use. aae for years It vu -up OMd to be laewiabU. Doctors prescribed Heal wislMt aa. by conataotly falUne to euro with leeal treetaMBt, pronounced M lacarabla. Catarrh la a local disease, jtmUt UUhMaotd by constitutional con-dUloaa con-dUloaa end therefore requires constitutional constitu-tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Medi-cine. Manufactured by' F 3. Cheat? Co., Toledo, Ohio, la a constitutional remedy, la token Internally and acta thru the Blood on the lfucoua Surfaces of the Byetem. One Hundred Dollars reward re-ward Is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. 8en4 for circular and testimonials. i F. X CHENET CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold byUruccUts, 75c. Haifa Family Pill for constipation. New Time Schedule Utah IdahoCentral Railway Company I - Effective 3:00, A.' M. June 25, 1918 SOOTH BOUND NORTH BOUND B .,?. 5 r P M AMAM AM AM PM P M PM PM PM. AM H le..87!H iU 8sl6 i" 9:" ':26 RICHMOND t8:16 10:34 12:31 3:33 6:37 8:36 11:42 1;08 H I?.? ': 9:80 1:25 9:39 7:38 SMITHFIKLD 8:03 10:20 12:17 3:18 6:23 8;21 11:2U 12:64 lis!5 !:8 5: 8s87 !81 9?4 r:B "OTOB PARK 7:66 10:13.12:11 3:10 6:16 8:13 11:20 12:47 mmi 1J:!! !:!5 ,:0 8s5(f 1:45 10:00 8:00 LOGAN , 7:42 10:00 12:01 2:68 6:00 8:00 11:05 12:35 mi ??!12 S:80 :05 8:B8 l!fi0 10'0B 8:0B PROVIDENCE 7:32 9:52 11:56 2:50 5:52 7:52 10:57 12:28 mmi iVil !:8B 6:09 4:00 1:B 10:09 8:1 MHiLVIIiliG 7:28 9:48 11:512;46 ,6:48 7:48 10:62 12:23 H V 5 8:18!l0 2'0 0:18 8:20 HYRTJM 7:19 3:40 11:43 2:37 5:40 7:40 10:43 12:15 -H 18,0X !:5X in 4iU 8:18 1057 8!8 WELLSVIXLE 7:11 9:31 11:31 2:27 5:30 7:31 10:34 12:05 M .- v9:08 ,:87 4:80 :B 10:S 8:89 MENDON 7:00 9:20 ,11:23 2:14 5:18 7:20 10:21 ""tariay and f mmday ealy tDally except Sunday to Richmond only. and to "VyellsvlUe only. "-t eProm Wellsvllle only, Sunday Ihd Monday only ammw mmml L-K'' " High Grade Job Printing I I BUTTER WRAPPERS V H NOTEHEADS H v I'ETTERITEADS M I And ENVELOPES H AND BUSINESS STATIONERS'' H OP ANY AND AIX KINDS H WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS H Republican Printing Co. I nioNi: is H "nmmmmi DOING GOOD Few medicines hare met with more favor or accomplished more- m good than Chamborlatn's Colic ant) Diarrhoea Ilemedy. John F. Jant- son, Dolmony, Sash, says of It: "I ffl hnvo usod Chamburlalu's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy myself and In my- family, and can recommend it as bo- f ing an exceptionally fine prepara- lM tlon." Adv - :--iH NOW PRODUCING OIL I That's what counts, profits in oil come from oil. ' We'are rtady to deliver te , - 'M pipe line approximately 40 to 50 barrels of oil every day in the year from our Well .M Number One m the 1 aola Fields of Kansas. This producer came in on April 2, W just thirty-three days from the time we lan to sell our stock. . . Well Number Two-was started on April 13 within 300 feet of Well Number One. - We "are going at a speed seldom equaled by any company. Our Paola lease in itself : ' will be completely developed at the earliest opportunity. Well Number Two is ex- pected in this week. v H Well Number Three will be started in a few days 300 feet to the north of Well I ' 'I Number One, Paola OilFiclds of Kansas. .1 I I In3ve V2onill ve have completely financed f We wells. We are exceeding the!' I speed limit. We are making money fa3t. Every well is worth thousands of dollars j ' - We have leases in Paola and Garnett, Kansas, Warm Springs, ThorntoVUpton Fields, Salt Creek, Teapot, Shepp.rd Dome, Tongue River, Coal Creek, Palmer : . - Dome, in Wyoming. The first tix named are now producing oil. Figure Your Profits For Yourself vmml A 25 barrel oil well earns per-year . 22,500.00 t A 60 barrel oil well earns per year.... . 46,000.00 H A 100 barrel oil well earns per year..- . 90,000.00 M A 200 barrel oil well earns per year. 180,000.00 H A 500 barrel oil well earns per, year. 460.000.00 y H A 1000 barrel oil well earns per year. . 900,000.00 A 10.000 barrel oil well earns per year... . 9,000,000.00 fl ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF SHARES AT 15o PER SHARE I After thfa Block ilaGorie ?The' Price WiU Positive)y,Be Advanced I n , . I BUY'nOW WHILE YOU CAN BUV NOW I , Wyoming-Kansas Brokerage Co. I mmmm UNDERWRITERS PuR " '". 1 H INQUIRY COUPON FUIJJ PAYMENT COUPOX jSsSJI , , . Wyomlng.Kaiwaa Drokerae 3i W,omlng-Kn.,s nrokerage WyOBring-KaRSaS Cotntiny. I M CoiniMutyrr , , I desire to subscribe foi f r If. I'elase send me at once full Fctl'OleURI & Rcfinini: bares of Wygmlng f Mb b - Kansas I'etroleum and nefln . (tS I Information regarding the 7 y- log Compaq's stock at Ji j r W$ . ,. . , . (lomnsnv conts a share and am encloslu:, 1 i? omlng-Kansas Petroleum and tympany herewith . fUl 1 Refining Company. I am aS payment for same. 1 want thl , J llty I xlous to know all about It be stock In my bands before th- i j f?W I . ... A . . f next advance. It Is understooi H W'& I core the xt adjance I.A. K y X f , am J I g I price of stock. r Jf Suite a. R.beifl-,8clvi-Ze Dldg. after , hae recoJveJ your ,, W II' ' J " '' ' formation nnl printed matter hi Iff - Name . ... : - this remittance will bo returned If - .mJL I J BUXINOS, BIONTANA to me In full'at any time with- 9 H It Street and No ..,.........., In 10 days from this date. The J f Ir u. stock to be In tho name of k9 I Town or City .-..-.... 'mmmBBBjsjBjBjjsjBi a Namj tm I State Aft WYOMINO OFFICE: Town or City 1 I - J0 8, h,,!,, BtnUt) ihcrldaa I Date 1 T-rrn-r iyf ---sa --------- j im ' |