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Show ST'- ' J" BaBMblMBMHHiHiHMMM t EVERTH1HC IN '" I SOLDIER BOYS sB'IW'- ''? BBmr : &&". v s BK ' jF-j PlMiZor th MCommodaUoB Hd K':- IHJV, - ' lMtmettom ot the UUh Agrlculturtl K,i Hg .' CMh TnUUH iHUeknMt, m tk K ' '' WMkaslci wke will reelre apelai H;' ' ! tralklBf at tke Collet during the Ki , W. . tuknir moatks will' be oftlclally '' - K s kabwa, are bow fractlcallr coaplet- BsW'' ' t - - ed. These men will be under the control otthe Committee ea Kduca-tlon Kduca-tlon and Seeelal Tralntsg , of Wash-iBgtoa, Wash-iBgtoa, D. C In Immediate eharg et the Men will be Captain, John L. Frasee, lafaatrjr Resetve Ceree, Who wlU hare associated with him First Lieutenants H, C. Feree, lafantrr National Army; Bert C. Burdlek, In-faatrrKesenre In-faatrrKesenre Coras; and 'J. II. Curtis, Medical Reserre Coras; and Second Lieutenant. T. H. Holcomb, Infantry Resenre Coras These officers, of-ficers, with the exception et Lieu-tenant Lieu-tenant Curtis, who ts' from Fort Riley, Ri-ley, Kansas are. from Camp Lewis, Washington. The ken will be housed In (he recently re-cently completed Urestoek building. This structure one of1 the largest on the campus. Is admirably adapted to. this purpose. In'additlon, thk Smart gymnasium will be at,h 'd'peaal et. the men while the steVle'jidgiag paTllloa will be uUllaei as the canteen, can-teen, where candy, t)oacoo,.aWdi,soft drlaks will be dispensed aadj. where tke camp barber shop will be' established. estab-lished. t' The old athletle field just east et the Main building, will be used as a drill, and parade ground'. The mechanical me-chanical Instruction will be'carrled on under the direction ot Professor Ray B. West, Director of the Schools .of Agricultural Engineering and Mechanic Me-chanic ArU',.aad his faculty, in the 'Mechanic Aria building. Here much new machinery and ether equipment hasbeealasUlled which wtll.be lejtt In place ani used during "the coming school year 'In the regular work of the InsUtutlon. the men will be fed ta the college cafeteria which la under, un-der, the direction of Mr. 0.W." Cooley. Military dlsclpilae will gorern the taen la, all their actions'. That portion por-tion of the Institution turned orer to the government will be under absolute abso-lute control of the officers-fa charge and military regulations will be rery strictly enforced. The men who are all rolunteers' are part ot the national na-tional army. |