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Show m$ wt ' - B.Vi' 'Sj':V " -".- I; Out Annual Jtme Bride Sale 1 Iff ,i Begins Monday, fine L 1 fit '. 1 M Everything In Our Store, Except Linoleum and Window IT ; j f ; Shades, has been sharply reduced In price. Ifycu ! I 1 - need an Article cf Furniture, a Rug, a Carpet, or any . ;' J's; f thing In the Line off Household Furnishing, don't miss It ; this opportunity, of sharing In The Wonderful Bar- mm .., gains which we are offering. ' , ?: mm' -- ". .- , fir H:' 1 ? 4 - ' m - ,. . ' Bf 21 WEST CENTER . . . LOGAN, UTAH j SSI", f, . - . BWBMiV BM ,.), s. , - N mm - '$ Many Are Lending y&-.. ' -, r p, Their Lives--- . ,-..; - v ' ' , What Are YOU Lending? v Bl ' $ k' . Thousands of our boys are going down into the. ! - . i p'' trenches today clean faced, determined, splendid B C"k"- " vst.'- ' young men. Many are soon to j'oin the army, of the- ,':.! sbbH rf' - v cv "' lme, the blind or the dead. You can. at least go . n. H - pv i ' v v down in your pockets for them. Think it over be . if4---" '- J -,, . :t- ready on ,:'.-rt-v $- . ' -I :- ': JUNE 28th , ...--.-.';:;". ":.. f J NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS DAY f H $.- . There'A an army. Yes, a dozen armies of stalwart, , IH " ,' '.-- ' wind bronzed, young men standing between you and "I H J the: grizzly. Hun. These young fellows are giving . ';-' t their ease, their comfort; their friends and homes, $i ', :, . . their bodies the Ahopeol4ife giving for you for ' H Sj . f 1- you. You can at least loan your dollars for them.. : -A 1' ij " i. National War Savings Committee , ;?V"- , 'J '?', , ,.f.f)4 4j o OoBtrlbated For .-i-,,v ,k.t ,'., . f..'": ; .MHS '-. TheWtaatatpfTheWarBy , ,v -fws' ...i The MEN'S Shop mmmn v j f I r' I JTheWmepf Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothet mmmali " 1 ' '-' -Satisfaction Guaranteed' - SSgSfi!AV ?t'trtr r , ir, ,k gggiwUhnj)MBM4jn CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ence not necessary, good salary a&d eemmlssion; man with car preferred S3 West'Flrst-North. tf FOR SALB 'OHBAF A sample sewing machine drop head rotary Singer, also a rotary White, first come first serred. 33 West First North. tf FOR MAUD OR TBADS 11 acres of dry farm land at Downey, will take" a good heme in Logan. Inquire In-quire of R. 6. Hatck, Franklin, Idaho. '' tf. LOST Brown 3 year eld mare. brand J6 oa right hip, had halter , ' on, was raised in Bear Lake. Return to Ola Anderson, MHWlUe, 7-3 FOR 8ALB Red Cross. Cenquer, t ji S months old Jersey bull at lilt, -' atred Igr Slgaal Flying. Fox Jralujjsrj a4).4lMe,-drandfathee ChampAT Jnyiajf.Fox sold for 76e. We sof d" ( a Delco plant to the nun owning: -this bull, Mr. NleheU of Tremen- tea. Utah. If you want, a pure bred animal see the abore man or Qenter Sales Company. if v HOBRT TO LOAH One hundred aad fifty thousand dollars ea farm end eity property, m. A.'Fedenek ." tf STRAYED sorel mare, whRe spot oa forehead aad hind leUocke. i brand resembling Vf encircled, ren i left shoulder. Phone Walter Last, ': 16-W Lewlstoa. Reward. , tf HgBmamamWgamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamam f ' .1 DAIRY FARM U 30 Acres close to Logan with water, 6 acres grain ; Balance good tfay and Patture. Good tcrmt, easy J j payments, good flowing well. Crop goes witK place. i' 9 Acres good Meadow or Paiture, West of Logan ' A Real Bargain. : 20Acret grain and beet land with good flowing well ": House Barn and other out buildings, in crop. ." 20 Acres good beet and grain land close to Logan ; 1 Sugar Factory in cropv a good buy. P " . 40 Acres home (arm with modern brick chicken houses, good water ridht in danvCitv I will sell or trade for other suitable property. J 1 Cardon Company U Logan, Utah - c r .. ; ci lammpmtiiiBBBBBV i & n X IHaWsMweafcsatiwiit n ' -JJU.-- .. M fJjC . . " - - smamamamammai |