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Show iy Prices Of Hogs IRapidly Climbing ( With hogs rapidly climbing to-( ward the twenty Hollar mark and conditions indicating that they vlll( '' maintain that mark, the question of further attention, with profitable re- suits, to the hog raising industry Is suggested.." This year, as was forecast, fore-cast, Is seeing the highest prices for kegs and when the low cost of production pro-duction is considered, it should entourage' en-tourage' the bog industry and help. "U show greater activity from now si. There. are. o any economical ays inVhleh food can be procured ir kef raising. The hogs can pick ) tha fallen fruit and vegetable '&ft nrn.Jjeft. p well as clewing,?? , flat la left from the grain field. Many farmers are TeperHnt 4hatthe t actual .cost of raising their bogs C dfes not amount to 11 cents a pound and deducting 'this from 'the price of 'i MO annao'Wd 'leaves an excellent , '' margin of, profit. 1 " ' l f H Furthermore, another blng to be I iHuAikUiFtV the shipment of hoes'. ; tW wj;tr fttt r,e MYltaC, bouse ( tnltl.iNot only does this get him ciulcker returns on- his Investment, but in addition it saves shrinkage and enables him to get the marekt prlco ho Intended to get whew ho rhipr.ol l'3 hese Whereas, if ho chips a gr.:at Clstance, tho market may be depelted when his shipment arrives, and he also has shrinkage to consider. Those who heeded the i words of the wise last year and devoted de-voted much of their efforts to hog raising this year are now reaping the benefit. Barley Is also recommended as hog feed. Also those' who planted successive crops Instead of one season sea-son crops ar la ft better position to profit en their bogs through pro- per and Inexpensive feed. " I farmers of Utah, southern Idaho! and Nevada have recently bad their I attention directed to the Ogden mar bet through the blgb prices prevail-! lng at the Ogden Union Stock Tarda The maximum price paid during the week was $18.35 er hundred. This is the amount that was paid for finished fin-ished bogs. Such animals can bo readily produced, farm experts say, Without any great amount of grain, if the farmers will use care and caution cau-tion In handling them. High protein: pro-tein: 'feeds are advisable to bring this quick and complete finish to animals which have been raised laregly on pasture and alfalfa. |