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Show CARE OP ROADS IX WAR TIMES I EMIMIASlr.l) I I Methods of road malntcnanco will be nn important part of tho displays jo ftho Ofllco of Public oltnds nnd llurnl Engineering, United Stnte.t Department of Agriculture, in tho combined government exhibits nt tho Utah tSato fair from oSptomber 28 to October G. War's demands havo placed n bl burden upon thoihlghwnys ot tho i United States. Not "only nro great i fleots ot army trucks thundering over ov-er the roads near mllltnry posts and cantonments, but vost numbors of commercial rucks and horsedrnwn vehicles are carrying farm products to markets and transporting merchandise mer-chandise of every description from tho city to tho country and fiom ono cly to nnotluer. Whon tho railways, full of troop trains nnd urmy supply trains, havo called for help, tho highways of the United tSato1 hnvo nnswoted "Hero!" MAINTENANCE IMPERATIVE All this means that to provont tl.i rends from becoming rutted, cruni-blo cruni-blo dnnd shattered and nt leneth !m- r passablo, under tholr burdens, tho greatest attention must bo paid to their maintenance. The olTIco of public roads and rural ru-ral engineering Is tho npency' thnt, with Its other .duties, administers tho Federal Aid ollad Act, hollovol to bo tho greatest stimulus to road building In American history, and that it is In clnrgo ot enforcing tho regulations ci tho National Highways High-ways Council, which recently was created to coordinate tho Federal ugencles dcnlln gwllh highways. OTHER ROAD DISPLAYS Its displays will not only ilomon- strnto ninintonnnco, but tho tested methods of providing drainage nnd foundnlons nnd ho wto build earth, .gravel, sand clay mncmlnm, brick nnd concroto roads, i |