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Show I U. A. G. TO I . GIVE SPECIAL I MILITARY WORK WL . Special classes In military traln- H lng, designed especially for high H school Instructors who dwlre to giro Wt military work In their hlifh schools, j H -111 be ottered at Out Utah Agilcul- H ' .tural College during the coming H year, according to announcement B Just made by President K. 0. Peter- H on. These classes which will bo so H arranged that the 'high school men H an carry on their regular lustruc- H tlonal work" at the same time, will H core the fundamentals of military H training, both practical and theoret- I teal. H This action of the t)t-h Agricul- H tural College Is la direct harmony H with the new plan for student train- H lng just launched by the War de- H partment. Already Students' Army H Training Corps hare been estafc- H llshed In representative colleges of H America to train college students H for military and technical service. H That this work will bo extended to H the high schools' ts Indicated by tho H fact that the government la training B many high school Instructors to give H military work4 In their. Institutions, m nt special training camps this sum- M Thoso high schools who are not 1 fortunate enough to have Instruct- B ors at one (; these trafnlhg'camps B , can send f acuity members to tho ,v;-, v-. - I - , Utah'- Agricultural Collcgo for slm-mM slm-mM : liar training this coming school year , mW ; Details of tho plan aro rapidly be-mM be-mM 'bw lng worked out-and will be sent to RSL?1!6 WngiAloaHoML'- "& BM - President Peterson. H It Is also proposed to glvo a spell spe-ll clal military course to high school Instructors during the next eight ft weeks It a sufficient number apply B' for this work. This will fit the high H school man to give military training H the whole of the coming year. It will . H be an .obvious advantage to the' high H school to introduce military training Immediately in view, of the fact that H the government evidently contem- ' plates extending to the secondary H schools an opportunity, to give this H work. Those schools with experience ' In military work will undoubtedly I receive this opportunity first. |