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Show MPaiv I - ' . ,' $? J ; Two. carloads of furni- I V " lure liave just arrived, "con- f sisting of Tapestry Parlor .- j ! . Furniture, Dining Room i g 1 and Library furniture. ! g These goods were pur- j . chased several months ago, " ? !. before the latest ad- D h vances. The manufacturers j p :. are not able to make pronipt J f shipment, hence we advise "' early buying while our stock f " is' complete.' '' .'T V,, . . - . - i vM ft - , f f LUNDSTROM FURNI-v, t TURE AND CARPET CO. . '' . - - . . ' V :l -- y pBPBPJP5BFJ J " Bi BvvBBBjtvVBVBvJflVlpBVBVBBHr'flBPBTv1 w IIA RNsBt rWJIHAJKi-m b HK-iHfMkkBWk?-' V vd. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLVSHSBBBBBK9EBBp,flr"4 tyl liBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBY BrBBBBBBBSbBsBf IQHLBiiiiiKBiiiE-5 i;' n I M a woaLO-PicTyni MBSBPSBK t I HENRY HB.iL Ba. y DlRgCTgP BY HAflUQ KNOLG& SBKtKKKj B5mm ?' rfwwwAwwi MONEY TO LOAN Ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars on farm rod city property. H. A. Pederson a Co. tf SATURDAY SPECIAL I I Work Shirts 1 $1.00 AND ?1.2o QUALITY SHIRTS FOR 7C jj TODAY ONLY . 3C AMOUNT OF PURCHASE LIMITED j H HART SCHAFFNER and MARX ' ' I Satisfaction Gaurantccd ' ONE LOT AT $10.00 & H ONE LOT AT $15.00 H . H The gIENsS Shop I I 50 N. Main St. I . I I Logan Utah . y M I For cleaning and pressing, phono ,92G. Spcclnl suits to order ?2G.OO to ' $30.00. Scheby and Larson, Tailors. Adv. tf. Produce Finer Linen Yarn. Using n chemical process, a Moscow engineer claim to hnvo produced a Oner linen .vain thnu the finest spun, tit low cost. DOl'tiliAS FAIHUANKS MAKES ''H HIT IN "HOUND IN .MOROCCO" H A delighted audience ot film stars H grcctcd Douglas Fairbanks ,wlth M hearty manifestations ot approval , J when his now Artcraft photoplay, H "Hound In Morocco," was prcsoutcd H nt tho Lyric thentro last night. It Is 'H snfo to say they got their monoy'a 41 worth, ns they usually do whonovor i POUGLAS PAIRBAMk:&'. ' ' i Bound in Morocxio ' , M ono of Mr. lillruTinlcs' pictures is- M shown nt Manager Thatrhor's play- All tho unl(uo methods which U hnvo mndo Mr. Fairbanks so popular . H woro amply" in ovlilonro In this now' H production. Ills smile, good nature M and optimism never were more gen- M tally displayed. M In ndditlo nto the above aFtty Ar- M bucklo will bo seen In oncof his best M comedies, "Good Night Nurse' M Save The Knife And I Spare The Child I mmmmhhbmb Swollen or enlarged TONSILS and ADEN- I ' JH OIDS do not have to be removed b ythe knife. I ' H Glasses do not remove the cause of defective iKinEbLil'"u:Hl SIGHT. They are the same as crutches are to I 1 HiiiiKiiCH the lame. M I WKfUr IH CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS will re- I I ' wfHPwkA "love the cause of the above conditions. I tefTr. .'9BKM0iWm Have your children ldi2 adjustments before I M WKKtkE HH scnol reconvenes and avoid an operation or the I fci WtSk 'JB use of glasses. I 'fe IKAH I m H3t "-tH You arc doubtful like the Missourian, there- I i'm LjjH fore, me show you. I liiiillllllllllllllH SPINAL ANALYSIS FRFF. I I H. J. McKAY, D. C. I 1 I Hours 9-11, 1-4 6-7 CHIROPRACTOR Phone 973 I 1 I House Culls Dy Appointment 3 North Main Logan, Utah I |