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Show I If Electric Cooking l fel Wa a WonderfuTThfng ri" Hi "Hfi! Hot Weather ' 111 BBMMJ BY mM IU BBk V lilt ' HDbTJ I 6 COOL' HO CLKAN- SO EXCELLENT IN THE RESULTS BnsJIl LTJlf f Vj! n GIVESAND YET SO ECONOMICAL' R3f ' !JHlsfalJir , .r - DELIGHTFULLY COOL I gPlIll l Hlsfln A" the heat tnm an electrlc rane goes into the cooking. Your kitchen j Lwll( ' Hjr jk.' stays, at a cool and comfortable temperature all the time you are preparing 1 PjjJI ' ' BBibb sbTJ IT meals as pleasant a -room as anycin the house, fl I r i HI fl I PERFEOTFULLY CLEAN flY Hi sBif H It 1 not alone the direct heat from ordinary cooking that you dread In ) VH Hi WM summer, It's, also the carrying of fuel, the cleaning up of dirt and ashes 1 I J HI 1 W" and the scouring ot smudgy utensils. You have none of that with electric J tJ HuR WM III cooking, because the fuel comes with the turn of a switch and there Is l Is ,, IllRr sfl I no fla,ne to make ashes and soot. I fk 'bIIIvJI saves -food II a' f smniZ 7 A six-pound roast of beef, cooked the ordinary way, shrinks nearly two 4 J HbTj pounds. Cooked electrically It shrinks only three-fourths of a pound. ' at 4 ,:Bflra That's a big saving isn't It- Especially when the cost of fuel isn't a bit ,W iof" ' VHDflLl ,ar6e, (fgl , iilM EASILY BOUGHT . hA A 'llfi'l Yo don't' have to pay the entire cost of an Electric Range at once. A j,!'r AWf $)m$& F Braa11 inlt,al Payment puts the range Jn your homo and small monthly J, - If ivHjt fml Uj Installments take caro ot the balance. y latll" jH m III Why not rid yourself of hot weather kitchen drudgery at once? Come ' III i l iH Wi III 0 Ur stOr0 ald " M"' bh0W R fe,v ,noments imt tl,c range to fit l Vt III1 5) PB ffl H your kitchen and your mirse. Come Today! I r' 4 W&l XJtah Power &Xight Co. &' 'HFJnl SSTi EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE . . .lllTlllI Lii " " rj'11 ' ' 'iRl 4 - -" Jftl ' SIbHisbmsssbpbVsHsssbbbsbmbb 'mt mmmmmmmm jnBSBsnsss .-m.- . ... . " BBBBp NOW PRODUCING OIL I I That's what counts, profits in oil come from oil. We are rwdy to deliver to issniS Sipe line approximately 40 to 50 barrels of oil every day in the year from our WeH ' tssssssH lumber One in the laola Fields of Kansas. Ihis producer came in on April 2. M juafc thirty-three days from the time we rs&n to seller stock. H : WeK Number Two was started on' April 13 within 300 feet of Well Number One. IH 58liArr RonE,a.t a speed seldom equaled by any company. Our, Paola lease in itaelf BBBBBni W? cowPtely deveTopedja,t the earliest opportunity. Well Number Two Is ex- e H pecwd m this week. ' sssbsb1.'sHbbUb1 bbbsbsbbI 'Well Number Three will .be started in a few days 300 feet to. the north.of- WeH ' v 'SH 'Number One; ?aola Oil Fields of Kansas. . 'H In one month we have completely financed five wells. We are exceeding the 'iH speed limit We are making money fast Every well is worth thousands of dollars ,' i 1 We have leases in Paola and Garnett, Kansas, Warm Springs, Thorntor.-Upton 'sjH I Field?, Salt Creek, Teapot, Shepp.rd Dome, Tongue River, Coal Creek, Palmer ,H Dome, in Wyoming. The first cix named are now nroducintr oih I J bbbbbbH IVBBBni bbbbbbbI !sbbbbbbb1 ,. . ,.wv,-v-.v- A 1000 barrel oil well earns per year. 900,000.00 - jH , A 10,000 barrel oil woll earns per year. 0,000,000.00 H 1 . -BH 1 , . mmW ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF SHARES AT Y iH 15c PER SHARE ''nSBSBBsl After This Block Is Gone The Price Will Positively Be Advanced bbbbbI BUY NOWWHILE YOU CAN-BUV NOW " 'H Wyoming -Kansas rokerage Co. "" "" TP CMDERWItlTERa fV)R " tmmmmt MM INQUUIY COUPON FULL PAYMENT COUPON jH . ' m r Wyomlng-KaBMw Drokerace '' H Wjrosning.Kaasis Brokerage Wyoming-KanSaS CoBipaay. sH Coeapany., ( I desire to subscribe for Pelase send me at once full . Petroleum & RefkliniC " "barea of wJrwn,B- ( B Kansas Petroleum and Refln- H information regarding the T , lng Company's stock at 18 J ,B .a -u- a . .. ComDanV , cents a share and am enclosing BBJ ,omlng-Kansas Petroleum and aomiwiiy. herewith $ in full f ' H Refining Company. I am an- payment for same. I want this a H xloas to know all about It be- stock In my hands before the 1; "H '.. .. , A. next. advance. It Is understood ) iTsBbH fore (the aext advance In the , that ,, ftm nct fuUy ttUlfM W BH price otAstock. , Suite S, Babcockelv.'ge BIdg. after I have received your In, 1 issBBBnl f ' formation 'and printed matter, M nlBBnl Name .......... ................ tug remittance will be returned ' H BILUNGS, MONTANA to me in full at any time with- A m Street and No in 10 days from this date. The I) H stock to be in the name ot iK jH Town or City bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbBBBI Namo H Street and No ... I; , Stote WYOMING OFFICE: ,. K H DU Town or City . ..................... m H (State B M 10 B. Main Street, Sheridan Date B M |