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Show BEET GROWERS SUGAR OFCICIALS INTERVIEWED We have been favored 'with an in- H tervlew with some of the officials of H the Beet Growers Sugar Company, H Wr. A. O. doodwin, Vice President fl and Senator George B. Hlll.Oeaer- al Manager. These gentlemen take gggfl Miarp exception to aa article appear- JHLta Ing In this paper, June 4., and, more especially that part of the article dealing with the promoters and in- ferentlally the officials. The objec- H tlonable article was written purely H In the Interest of the stockholders, gaai and without any Intent to Impugn the motives of any of the officials of tho company, or any person con- H nected with Its management. H After reading the article bgaln we are free and frank to say that parts of it ought not to have been B written. We are personalty ac- H qualnted with Hon. Jnmes H. Haw- ley, President of tho company,and H wo tiro chngrlnncd beyond measure H to have an artlclo appear In this pa- H per that has a tendency to rcfloct upon him or any of his associates for wo are satisfied that he is al- ways very chotco In the selection of his gnnH If any of the stockholders, after reading our article, and In conse- H quence thereof, formed any unfav- H orable conclusions, we desire to say H that notwithstanding the wording oC 'H tho article, no such result was in- H tended. It has been announced that the H Rlgby Sugar Factory will not be agfl built this year. This decision may H or may not bo a serious thing. It H may be decidedly to the advantage H of the stockholder, and at any rate H the officials we are Informed hold H themselves In readiness to give their. H reasons for 'such action which they .. H have determined Is good. What H stockholders should avoid is a stam- M pede. Having been thoroughly sat- M lifted when tho Investment was H made, If conditions have arisen that need explanation stockholders should H get next to the officials and go into M the entire matter In detail. It should iggfl be remembered that the country Is ' M at war, material Is nigh, labor Is M high, and to build under such con- H dltlons may bo well nigh prohibitive. .H At any rate the officials say they M havo .nothing to hold back, nothing M (to cover up, and under such condl- M ' lions there Is no reason why any H 'stockholder should not be thoroughly M 'acquainted with conditions, and . gH aaal thereby satisfy himself as to the con- H , dltlon of his Investment. M This article Is not written as spon- .-H sor for the Ucct Growers Sugar H Factory. It Is written because we H want to be fair and Just to all. -We uaLi have not one dollar Invested in ,lt, , H but 'some .of our good iff lasidiihav,' ,, " H and we are dcslrouB that tthelr In- H vestment be a good one. H We hope the venture will be a H complete success. We also have H sotne good friends at the head of 'the H concern, in whom we Impose confi- H dence, and far be It for us to desire H to hamper them 1n the least, create - H any mistrust in their enterprise, or Insinuate that they are not doing H aqd have-not done' the right thing. H For any words that may have con- H veyed such Impressions we extend H our apologies, and trust tho officials . ' M or the company will accept them In H the spirit in. which they are wrltteu, H and use these columns for anything U they may desire to say to the stock- H holders In setting forth their plans Ifl for the future. The Editor. M |