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Show P $75.00 Mowing Machines $75.00 ffo ' GIANT FIVE FOOT MOWER $75.00 g2 fU, Other Farn Inplement Prices In Proportion jp , See lis before. you buy. We havevno Mk':r' road man. Come to the houee. It H " will payyou 'well. ,,, , . H wfj Cche County Farmert-fequilT HjL 114 Seat Main Steet , '" LegaivUtal. lt ?" " --' .... NOTICE '.llajBBsBVTooaB will eteae aa June' H-far, -dihiowamer vaeatloa.' It wMl reopen again on August 5. FRBD SCHOLW87c' Secretary. .2I. "-" ',i -I - BeAfl v.iaVaaaannaaaaaaaaBBsasaaaaasBmaaaaaBsaBaaaBj mVw.ptoi 'SWmmer. Suite H " W I Tbee Twc-pkce Suits for Men and Young II aW "f Warn ' II lljrl ',' Men combine the comfort of light, airy II p:: ;-H'v - fabrics with the elegance of Kirschbaum 11 Kk 'Df styling and tailoring. I IP N Included in our stock are Palm-Beaches, I Ic'ji'i'DW Crashes, Mohairs, and other mid-aummer I W'M l$M weavev-made up in styles adapted to men I ftf fejj . of every type and proportion. '$;t9 I WwLil ' - .$10 to $20 A. T'lf, -StslB V"r aBBnaMneBMaaaBBanasanBBannaaa ;, J'?rIE- ll l'M : viamfVaat m af I $mTh&ct fret's "r'" ' ( Jsr V aB HI fcM n tVmJUkt Tkttdm- (tk , 11 BBaTiSs' ' ' '"' .. - " is Tomato Plants, 26 Cents and w V 60 Cents Per Dosea n We Still HaVe Plenty of ' V aeranluni ' fe' Cache Vaiey FWral C. " 1 Federal Atcomm ))4V4 ) rA LOGAN NORTHERN IRRIGATION COMPANY ,. Principal place of business, Logaa, Utah. There aro delinquent upon the following described stock oa account of an assessment levied en the 10th day of April, 1918, the several amounts' set opposite the names, of the respective shareholders aa follows: fol-lows: No of 'NoofAmouat Name Shares Cert Duo M. L. Abegg. 1 Ht8 M Fred Blotter .. 2 7 8.00 Sarah Boss .... Hll .78 Mary Byork ...) 780 76 J. P. Cardoa. .'.j SJlSsj 3 Ti Cardoa.:..' V 8)184 l.rt M.O. Cardoa j 166 76 H. Cobbledick, 0Bsfc'i' lS98f ' X.")' J. CorbettEst j 18180"27.00" O. L. Farrell !, 608 O. L. Farrell l.86tt6'08 37.60 0. R. Hill, Jr ... H622 75 A. J. Hlll........,.,.l H7.0, 76 A. Johanson . 2114 3.00 1. A. Jones............Y '2168 3.00 H. H. Krophll.....;.. 6U8 7.60 M.Powell ...j 709 76, R. M. RoUsoa 1 1-SC4 60 ' SmAhfield West'7 j ' I BchIiT Co.J.:. S76 4.60 ' BRi?Wlleoa....... 1681 1.68 J. Watson ....... j 6220 3.20 Helea Toolsoa n.w.. 88M -4.60 Abraham Smith UUtl 17.11. Sarah Ann Hawkes.. HJ4IIJ -39 asaaa A, Peraon-. llt" &ii Aad la aecordaaee with law, so many J aharoa of Mahparoel of such stack a 'may Wanissary mill ho soMlat4 the traai'daar of tttsOart Haa7i Logaa, Utah, oa tho 18th day of July,a918at thdhoarot 3-o'eloek p. as. to pay tha dollatueat aaaoaa-oatrthereaa aaaoaa-oatrthereaa together with tho 4e4 advcHMar aad:apae of se.-I)aUd.at:Logaa, .Dtai, June 18, 1111. ,V. v" . .'" -, J. W. SBAMONS, J ' - Secretary aid ' trsaaar."' No lnteraalmedlolae wiluro oeaomh. Oaly by th appUeatloa of CRANOLBNB, the great ex teraal remedy, oaa the eesema mierebe bo destroyed, v Prove this sutemeat for yourseU at 'our ospiaao. Write for fro teat treatment; adores' MUM Chemleal Co., Dept D., OlraNj ' KM. ' - v INosaa Lake a Flaw orH "I Buffered far 3d year with eoaema ! 1U' worst raras. Af-' footed all over th body. CRAN-OLKNB CRAN-OLKNB loft me Mfiaaaa white Mlk, aad I sleep Uka a aJw: boy." J. MeCraekea, Johaaoas City, Tena. (Writtea two years., after using CRANOLKNB.) At all drug atorea.-3e, $1 aad .IS.SO.'Fofc-aaloby ''- 3 & n safTmmjsamOaBfMPajCO. ' " - T - lTBBBt,'"a-'8aaBaaaasaBBSBnaaaaaaaaaaaj, I -v. :w" Divided '.' fv, I f Y7,,ta WoarccWrrMkT.HaV I M " 1W?I fw cre.amtdoasrt . h lU. f .. WW i alii a Lfil": i iif i" --'. WW rTf "1-tTJiTmi ir " W are t4 aaeaaa M bmm. ef - I " W7-'laWBiJf. Ia0l fail li !' , 'i.i.li.isli aiiril --" bW' I kka for Its aod. At the asm tkaa JJJlSllHf H M walVtfMKea.fUymiata4jWdco. ZXrZZJXrXTZ 1Z H BB BMrdal acrrict ( satitfactorf quality, "? t4"yu!T;J T IH H 7 s "! aoarcoa ai, UairN aa thay ara to aay IB 1 W have dor this ia tke face of otbar V bailac..,' and wt hav finally DD , cooraaonaly rncreaied costs ot ma- raacked, and ayes pasted, th limit. tretHeadotwburdea,andwehavecar- !,.-.--. - k ..m . ht .j .i.- i.j t " rayaiiBaf. nenct, tna prooMaa P PJ ried the load alone. .. . . - 1 ' .. - . H . of producinf rarenues adequate to the P I llt ill"'ltj " ' facl lk1 1 ol thd terrlc Is on .with which t B H T- T! .T aaaraaaadl la A,the public and the Company are. mu- H prepertleafc) asar asaaaaa. Telephone tually concerned. rates have remained stationary While ITniirtna drtiaa aaaaw II ssaaMra- everything .that goes, into the render- wTtlaat stajt ajjastamsnli htri B . tag of telephone. service has advanced j j .".. ....- ., -. . " B H in COt. oBBaaaB.jiaaaBaijBBmBsawiaB.BBBBj am.BB B 'fc. B , This condition has continued until tliaaals iriiaasi. . ...... u 18 hi IIb ' All The Mountain States iTdephone aiidTrfcgihGa IB 'BBJ HB ' H i " . .. . HKKKcKBiiBnNBBaBMaiaaa "- . - .. rf . ., sAvH ' ...--' V-A, i. . 1 ,.y.y5f . -t V f" ySjt; '0K-'- ' . - :-m ' - - -- ' ' ' !'." t, ',, l " Your Boy Over Tmttj, ,; t . Wbri your boy wm so littk that all the worlds waa v -'M" ...- fortifn country to hint, h truatad you to take care of -r'-'?p fi himYouantbimtoschoolandtoplay and on your -- v .: little errandaand with implicit faith-be didour. biddinf. ' - :- ?. . , ;Jl ; rfNow wehave;ntyour.1)6yoryouriieliiW "' fi;;:into a fortify Uno; into terrora that hca ' Iglp V f and his faith has not faltered. He, knows we will do v, v,, "sus - .--- " , i our part if he dciee.nia.., ., ,4 , v jV-. .fi-uir.-J p '', t .Pledge yourself to buy War Savinfi Stamps on or be- -; - : fore ., . , ,-;,, .",... ; ; JUNE 17 To 24th; - ' Wfr : K' LOGAN'S WAR SAVINGS WEEK " ' , 'vw- '; ; il Saving to; help our sons is not to be called by the ugly v ? ;';$$ T .name of duty or sacrifice. It is love's blessed privilege. ' ; ' -;J. I Are we keeping the faith? Are we scrimping and sav- -. ? ' -ij, ' ' ' v . . ing and giving to help our boys do this thing that human- -- c ', - ity has asked of them; and to help, them come back to us '. -f1,i ; s , sane and whole? Are we doing not only oinvbit, but all ,-;. ' :t4 ' a , ,;wectnl: v. 4 ;- .- . Mt y ' .w', r- : v National War SavlgtCeaawitte ..WiWp' s-. i ; ',j- , . . Tala Spaa CeaUlbuted For -":. " r & '.. t '- . ' .:---'5' . ' sTboWlBBtagOf.TheWarBy ,,." .""' ?.., ,.,..'! ;'"' Consumers Wholesale Grocery ', l 'Si irX' J . . . aaaaaaaaaBaajrtsaBBaaaBjaaa SMammmtsBassa1aammssammaaaaBBaaaa T - . V1- -yf4- . 1.' |