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Show H1" j T'HE LOOAN REPUBLICAN M ' Published by the H I REPUBLICAN PUBLISHINC CO. B Logan Utah H H, llullcn President and Editor, H J. C. Allon Jr.... Secretary and MgrJ M Entered at tlio Tost Omce every Tugs- m day, Thursday and Saturday, at Lo- B gan, Utah, as second class matter. H SUBSCRIPTION RATES H By H One Year 13.00 H Six Mouths 1.60 H Threo Mouths 76 H By Carrier B Ono Year 13.50 M Six Mouths 1.76 1 Threo Months 90 H If not paid In advance add fifty cents H per year extra. H SuhBcrlhers wishing tho address of H their paper changed will plcaso glvo H their former as well as present ad- H dress. All papers ara continued un- H til explicit order Is received by us H to discontinue. All arrears must ho B pnld In every case. |