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Show .,11,1 i ' ' ' ' I LOCAL NEWS M A COLUMN OF WHICH EVERY READER 18 A'SKED M TO CONSIDER HIMSELF OR HERSELF AN EDITOR 11 h H u. H For a quick settlement of a loss'b' H (lrc we must commend our readers t(V H lion. John A, Crockett, the abstract H lor, who settled the claim of Chris H Hailing (or GOO In two days after tho B blazo wlilch destroyed tho Hulling H barn, farm machinery, nutomobllo, H bay, etc. A scttlcmpnt (or tho full m face of the lnsuranco policy was BB Sg H S. W. Parkinson ono of Franklin's B prominent citizens and ono of the big B sheep men of tho lntermountnln conn- m try, was In Logan on Saturday. Mr. B Parkinson is looking around with an B cyo to moving to Logan for tho win- B tcr months. We bid you wclcomo Mr. Parkinson. ! B Hoy Dahlo, one of tho Box Elder BBBk county successful dry farmers, was r transacting business in the county BB neat of Cache, over the week cud. BBB Hss Salome King, of Putman, BBBJ Conn., sister of Mrs. Jane K. Carpen- BBBJ tcr, widow at IDS 'South First Hast BBBJ Ktrcft, was burled at Putman on Sun- BBJ 'ny at the age of 71 years. Miss BBBJ King will bo remembered hero by BBBJ friends, as sho visited In Logan n BBBJ (civ years 'as", guest of her sister. H BBBJ . Attorney William J. Lowe, noml- BBBJ nee of the Republican party tor tho BBBJ olllco of district attorney for tho BBBJ Y,:Ri Istrlpt, visited In Logan last BBBJ Saturday and attended the county BBBJ convention where he was called up BBBJ on for u speech, to which ho respond- BBBJ od. Attorney Lowe says Ilox Kid or BBBJ county Is a safe bet for the Republl- BBJ vans this year. BBBBj Cole's Hot Illast heaters make a big BBBBJ reduction In your coal bill. See their BBBBj sdvcrtlscment and guarantee. BBBBJ For Snlc10 roomed houso, a halt BBBBJ Mock from car lino on Third North, BBBBJ especially well arranged for roomers, BBBBJ borders or light housekeeping; can BBBBJ l!R0 nmalk'r placo ns part payment. BBBJ Phono SS. Adv. 9-19 m ' BBBJ One of '.hi great weaknesses of BBBk t lie Democratic administration Is tho BBBJ appointment of 30,Q0Q special olllce BBBI holders most of whom arc unneces- BBBJ Kar'i at an expense to tho county ot BBBBJ (40,000,000 per annum. No wondor BBBBJ "10 stamp tax tor "War" purposes. BBBJ Wanted Places whero malo stud- BBBBJ eitts lnn' wrk for board. Address BBBBJ Inqulrlou Prcsldout's Olllco I). Y. Col- BBBBJ lego. Adv. BBBJ Two and ono half hours to Ideal BBBJ Bench oh beautiful Bear LaKo BBBBJ through the famous Logan canyon. BBBJ The area of the Hoar Lake is 140 BBBJ squaro miles, Altltudo G924 feet, ell- BBBJ mate Is Ideal, being cool, clear, ro- BBBBJ freshing and Invigorative. Adv tf A flro nlartn was turned in to tho llro department about midnight- on Sunday1, tho call coming1 from the old Logan Hote'l on East Center street. A quick reaponso was mado by tho llremcn, Jjut upon nrrivlng at tho scene it was learned that tho blnie started in a bed, tho quilts, mattress nn(l Bprcad all were well lighted. Tho occupant of tho room is quoted as saying: Let It burn. He had been drinking Jamaica ginger nil day and it was thought ho was hardly responsible re-sponsible for his acts. He was taken into custody by tho police. ii BUY YOUR FAMILY SUPPLIES AT THE BIG SALE AT JOHN H. ANDERSON'S STORE. Adv. 9-19 Work of excavation 'for tho Harry tlrimths Confectionery storo nt Smith-flold Smith-flold commenced yesterday. This new building will bo erected on tho corner cor-ner of the block directly acrosa t',o street from tho post olllce. Laying concrcto on South Main street for the street paving has commenced com-menced and tho work Is rapidly progressing. pro-gressing. J Henry Wheeler of Lewlston was In Logan on business yesterday. TO INTRODUCE OUR MEN'S CLOTHING TO THE PUBLIC, WE WILL SELL THIS WEEK ONLY: MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS, REGU- LAR $12.50 GRADE AT $9.00 MEN'S ALL WOOL SUIT, REGULAR $15.00 GRADE, AT $12.00 THREE RULES STORES. Adv. 9-19 Miss Letlia Anderson ot Lewlston, who 1ms bcoii confined to her bed for several days with a sovero attack of appendicitis Is very much improved. Young women students at tho Utah Agricultural College will find ample dormitory facilities .at Logan this School year when plans laid down at a m6otlng of( tbo, director's. Ctfjjinctt hold at, tho institution, last Friday? September 15, go into effect. Tho college authorities will probably rent houses In Logan adapted to dormitory, life and employ matrons to tako caro of tho homes. Many private resident ccs suited to this plan have been located lo-cated and theso will bo secured as occasion demands. Life's too short, don't walk, $10 down and $10 a month will buy you a good easy running bleyclo .Desan' dcrs, tbo bicycle man. Adv. t Mrs. Marlon Dopp of Lewlston motored mo-tored to Preston, Sunday In her big Overland nnd spent tho day with hor daughter Mrs. Henry Stocks. She was accompanied on tho trip by Mr. nnd Mrs. Colcy of Lowlston and Mrs. Cottlo of Franklin. t ' First Class cafe at Ideal Beach. Adv. tf William Bowden Is on tho water wagon. Ho drives tho street Bprlnklcr at Lowlston, ' ' 4 The littlo nlno year old son of Q. A. Anderson tho blacksmith at Tren-ton, Tren-ton, narrowly escaped losing his Hfo Sunday by drinking formaldehyde-which formaldehyde-which ho mistook for plnex cough syrup. sy-rup. Get you slothes dry clcansd nnd pressed . Logan Cleaning and Tailoring Tailor-ing Co. Adv. tf William Bowden of Lowlston has purchased a nice piece of ground on Main street directly opposlto the O. L. & I station and Is making arrangements arrange-ments to go Into tho hotel and livery business. Tho location Is Ideal nnd tho traveling public will thoroughly appreciate both enterprises. If you want all of tho pleasure of an ocean resort without any of tho dangers visit Ideal Beach-. Twj and a half hours from Logan. Adv. tf Mr, nnd Mrs, Ernest Ooddard motored mo-tored to tho camp of Mr. and- Mrs. Wnlterilofs and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hnnkrf tt .Saturday morning rfiiU from there they rnotorc) to BVnr Lake-returning Lake-returning 'to Logan In tbe evening, where Mr: nnd Mrs. Hofs will bo'at' home to their many friends, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Ooddard aro teavlng today for their .southern trip. Persons who have any vegetables, fruits or grains fit for the Cache county coun-ty exhibits at tho State fair, should cemmunicnte with N. R. Broby of ,Wc11bv1!So, state fair agent for Cache county and ho will call and pay for same. Adv. 9-23 i Levi, 'the sixteen year old son of Mr, and Mrs. Moses Anderson of Tronton who was badly cut In a barbed barb-ed wire fence In a runaway accident 'three weeks ago 1ms sufllcrently recovered re-covered to bo brought home(from tho, hospital at Logan, Who cleans and presses your clothes? Logan Cleaning and Tailoring Tailor-ing Co. Adv. tt Mrs. E. J. Larson of Clarkston and hor daughter Miss Emily have Just returned from a six months trip to Pocatollo nnd other Idaho towns. ' Mrs. Larson visited hor sister Mrs. William, Coopor at Pocatollo and sons and daughters that llvo along tho St. Anthony branch, 'Bargains In second hand Fords. Kimball Auto Co. Adv. tf Thcro has been ono death at Clarkston Clark-ston from diphtheria and also ono now enso Is roported. Many peoplo woro exposed heforo tho naturo of tho dlscuso was known but every precaution precau-tion is being taken now to provent tlts spread. m Lawn tennis at Ideal Beach, Two and o half hours from Logan,--Adv. tf Wanted A young man with -n bicycle to dollvor papors between 9:30 and 11 o'clock daily; good pay. Inquire at this olllco. Adv., i -, tf |