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Show HOW TO GIVE GOOD ADVICE Tho best way to glvo good advlco Is to set a good example. When oth- jl ers seo how quickly you get ovor your l cold by taking Chamberlain's Cough fl Hemedy thoy are likely to follow your M example. This remedy has been In n uso for many years and enjoys an ex- flj cellent reputation. Obtainable every- HJ whero. Adv. H m b HBJI Old newspapers, Gc a bundle at Tho jfl Republican office. , S I LYRIC THEATRE, Logan, Utah I S TUESDAY and QAntAmhAK 1Q.9A 2.15 P.M. 1 j Wednesday oepieflTiDer iblu 8.15 p.m. 1 Elliott & Sherman Present Chine's Cinema-Opera I I flfll lH flWAI flflr fji kfl BiBl Interpreted by flflflflflflflflflflflfljflflflflflflflflflflflfliflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfl SflHflHiK wmm flflflfelTflflflflflflBflflflflPflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflBlflflflflflflflflflflflflflfl- HBviflKflflflflflflflBflHfliVflW "HKR-BffWKp Spanish Melo-SCftgjSwHHAABbEBHr Melo-SCftgjSwHHAABbEBHr . California ffWMSTaW PRICES: BKMMKv $1 I WmW7mmAw Matinees flK22r Children 25c fr mW Adults 50c j IP Tickets on Sale at 10 i flfl A, M. Mon., Sept. 18 9 Founded on Helen Hunt Jackson's Famous Novel of the CALIFORNIA MISSION INDIANS Tribute by California Poet-Historian "RAMONA" marls the "farthest north" in motion pictures. Nothing has yet been done to equal it, cither in America or in foreign lands. And it will be long and many a day before anything is done to come anywhere it. California and the world will sec these pictures. But what a pity it is j that Helen Hunt Jackson cannot sec them! The heart-break, the tragedy, the deathless beauty---thcy arc all there -John S. McGroarty, author of "The Mission Play." j A Romance That Stirs Every Womans' Heart |