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Show GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATES HAVE SAFE MARGINS Chicago, Sept. 14. With Cook county coun-ty complete and returns from 1,SS7 precincts out of 2,973 down-stato complied, Col. Frank O. Lowdcn reached re-ached 101,141 votes for the Republican Republic-an nomination for governor In yesterday's yester-day's primary. Morton D. Hull ran second with ' 91,788 votes against 04,- C40 for Frank L.Smith. On tho Democratic sldo Gov. E. F. Dunne for governor received 108,140 votes In Cook County complete nnd 1,335 precincts down-state; W. E. Brlnton, 48,498, nnd James Traylor, 14,474. Estimates based on returns up (o noon are that Dunne's plurality over Brlnton will bo nbout 75.O00 whllo l.owdcn's plurality over Hull, it Is bo llevcd will bo about 85,000. Tho plurality of Oglesby, Republican Republi-can caudldato for lleutenant-goiernor will bo nbout 150,000. Emerson's plurality In tho raco for tho Republican nomination for secretary secre-tary of stnto Is estimated nt about GO,-000, GO,-000, while Russell, Republican enn-dldato enn-dldato for state auditor, apparently has won by a plurality of 20,000 over Tlcc. Less than 14 per cent of tho registered reg-istered women voteis In Chicago balloted bal-loted In the primnry yesterday, according accord-ing to returns t9day; Tho small voto rant by women was attributed to tho scarcity of offices for which they might voto. Moro Democratic women than Republicans Re-publicans went to tho polls, returns Indicate, Thero wore approximately 22.000 votes of Democratic women to I ho 1G.000 for Republican women. Tho total woman veto Is expected to reach about 40,000. Edward M. Santry, who, under tho name of "Eddlo Santry," was n former well known featherweight pugilist, was ronomlnatod as a member of tho state tegislnturo, returns indlcnto today. to-day. Santry is n sponsor of a bill to Icgallzo boxing In Illinois, Ho is a representative rep-resentative fiom the Third senatorial district, Chicago. |