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Show THREE THINGS TO WATCH IN MAKING THINGS SELL A writer In tho Woman's Home Companion say about making to sell: "Now let us suppose that ono dot-Inlto dot-Inlto plan has hecu selected by tho embryo manufacture for lior initial experiment. It should bo nn article ! both Inexpensive In cost nnd simple In construction and tho expeiiFO t rotall purchasing should not exceed ex-ceed CO per cent of the expected wholesale price. For tho saving in j wholesalo buying, ns noted nbovo can I not all bo allowed as profit, there , being soverol deductions nnd expenses, expens-es, Incident to selling. First, tho discount dis-count Invariably demanded by nil re-.tallers; re-.tallers; this may in somo stores bo I 2 per cent, which is fair, nnd in cor-i cor-i tnln others anything up to 6 per cent I which is oxtortlon. Second, expense of packing: to do business creditably It will soon ho necessary to huy suit-oblo suit-oblo boxes, wrapping, and packing ma-tcrlals. ma-tcrlals. In tho beginning this might bo avoided for a fow shipments, thru tho resources of tho household, but It would soon bocomo a necessary and legltlmato expense Third, dollvory chnrges either by oxpress or freight; tho buyor is supposed to pny transportation, trans-portation, and with smnli concerns this Is done; but with largo Iioubc whoso orders nre valuable, tho busl noss Is frequently mado contingent on free delivery" of goods and In that cuso it will probably bo wlso to ac-cedo. ac-cedo. Uoth discount nnd shipping charges should bo watched and definitely defin-itely agreed upon at time of obtaining obtain-ing orders. A knowledge of this saves both money and misunderstanding, misunderstand-ing, as trouble or question or bills with n customer Is to ho avoided ut any cost." |