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Show Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAI APPLICATIONS. n they cannot reach the seat or the disease. Ca-fnrrh Ca-fnrrh Is a blood or constitutional dleoe, nml In order to curn it you must tnke infernal in-fernal remedies. HnllM Catarrh Cure U taken Internally, niul nets directly upon the Mood and mucous .surface. Hull' Catarrh euro Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of the beat physicians phy-sicians In this country for -.cars and Is n regular prescription. It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the jest blood purifier, nctlns directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect comblni-tlon comblni-tlon of tho two lnnrcdlents Is what pro. duces such wonderful results In curing catarrh. Rend for testimonials, free. F. J CHHNUY & CO , Props., Toledo, O. Sold by DruKBlsls. prlre 7Bc. 1 Tal-a llsll's rsmlly rills for conitlpatlon. Legal Notices PROBATE A'ND GUAR3IANSHIP NOTICE Consult the County Clerk or the Respective Signers for Further Information NOTICE TO CREDITORS ft Estate of Johnnna C. S. Jolmnsen, ' Deceased. Creditors will present claims with voucher8 to tho under-signed under-signed at their residence in Logan City, Cacho County, Utah, on or ho foro tho 14th day or July A. D. 1917. Dato of first publication, September 12, A. D. 1916. CHRISTIAN BALLING, HEZEKIAII E. HATCH, Executors. ASA DULLEN, Attorney. Adv. 10- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho matter of tho Estate of Alma F. Purser, beccascd. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at her resldenco In Benson, Ben-son, Cacho County, Utah, on or before be-fore .tho 16th day of January, 1916. Dato of first publication, September Septem-ber 14, 1916. JULIA H. PURSER, Administratrix. WALTERS & HARRIS, Attorneys. Adv. 10-" NOTICE TO CREDITORS 111 the matter of tho Estate of Mary Alice Feltman, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at bis residence in Richmond, Cache County, Utah on or before tho 12th day 'of January, 1917. Dato of first publication, September Septem-ber 7, 1916. AROET L. WHITTLE, Administrator, m WALTERS & HARRIS, - Attorneys. Adv. 10-10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho Matter of tho Estate of Lovl C. Smith, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchors to tho undorslgned at his residence in Para-dlso, Para-dlso, Cacho County, Utah, on or bo-fore bo-fore tho 12th day of January, 1917. Dato of first publication September 7, 1916. THOMAS K. OBRAY, Administrator vlth will annoxed of Estato of Lovl C. Smith, Deccasod. WALTERS & HARRIS, Attornoys. Adv. ' 10-10 SHERIFF'S SALE v In tho District Court of Cacho County, Utah. Abraham Smith, Plain-tiff, Plain-tiff, versus William D. Hope- and Zlna Hopo, Defendants. To bo sold at sheriff's sale on tho 30th day of September, Sep-tember, 1916 nt 1 o'clock p. m. of tho said day at tho front door of tho county court houso, Logan Cacho County, Utah: Lots eight (S) ond nlno (9), bloclf two (2). plat II, Smlthllcld City Survey, Sur-vey, Cache County Utah. J. H. BARKER, Shorlff. 1 Adv. 9-30 SHERIFF'S 8ALE ii ' n In tho District Court, Cacho County, Coun-ty, Utah. Abraham Smith, Plaintiff, vorsus Qcorgo A. Lyon and Sarah A. Lyon, his wifo, Defendant. To bo sold ot sheriff's salo on tho 30th day of September, 1916, at 1 o'clock of tho I said, day, at tho front door of tho jjj county court houso, In Logan, Cacho I County, Utah: Tho south half of lots six (6) and I seven (7), block fourteon (14), l'lat I A, Smlthflold City Survey, situated In jr JSx Smlthllcld, Cacho County, Utnh, to- IW gcihor with all water rights thereto. J. II. BARKER, i ShnrllT. Adv. 90 SHERIFF'8 DALE III tho District Court, Cacho County, Coun-ty, Utah. Eda M. Plcot, plaintiff vs. James. a. Taylor, Mary Alice Taylor and William Petorson, defendants. To bo sold nt sheriff's salo on tho 19th day of Soptcmbor, 1916 nt tho hour i of 12 o'clock noon of tho said day, at tho front door of tho court house, in Logan City, Utah. Beginning nt tho northeast corner of lot elgjit (8) In block two (2) plat "D" Logan City Survey nnd running thr-nco west sixteen six-teen (16) rods; thenco south live (5) rods; thenco east sixteen (16) rods; thence north live (5) rods to tho pinto of beginning, J. II. DARKER, Sheriff. Adv. 9-23 j NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAX Notice Is hereby given by tho Board of City Commissioners of Logan Lo-gan City, Utah, of tho Intention ot such Heard to uiako tho following do-Hcrlbcd do-Hcrlbcd Improvement to-wlt: To lay nnd construct n sewer Int-ernl Int-ernl of concrete or vltrllled plpo from six (6) to eight (8) Inches in diameter, diamet-er, und a drnlnago lino of four (4) Inch tllo on Second North street from Flrst'Wcst to Sixth West streets In Sower District No. 4, according to tho plans nnd prolllcs on lllo In tho olllco of tho City Engineer, and to do-fray do-fray the cost and oxpenso thereof, estimated at sevon thousand llvo hundred hun-dred ($7,500) dollars by a local as-sess)ment as-sess)ment upon tho lots, blocks nnd pieces of land affected and benefited by said Improvements,, to-wlti Lots C and 6, block 20, lots D, 6, 7 and S block 21; lots 5 and 6 block 22; lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 block 23; lots 3 and 4, block 24; lots 1, 2 and 3, block 25; lots 1 and 2 block 26; lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, block 27; lots 1 nnd 2 block 2S; nd lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 29; all In Plat 4, Logan City Survey. Tho said assessments to bo paid In flvo annual payments. AH protests und objections to tho carrying out of such intention must bo presented in writing nnd filed with tho City Recorder Re-corder on or beforo tho 26th day of September 1916, nt D o'clock p.m. at which tlmo tho Board of Commissioners Commission-ers of Logan City will meet and henr such objections as may have been properly presented. By order of tho Board of Commissioners, Commis-sioners, of Logan City, Utah. VV. ii. IjAIiaCiN, Ex-C-niclo City Recorder. Date of first publication, September 7; date of last publication, September Septem-ber 26. Adv. 9-28 NOTICE United States Land omce, Salt Lako City, Utah, August 2, 1916. To Whom It May Concernt Notlco Is hereby given that the Stato of Utah has filed In this offlco lists of lands, selected by tho Bald State, under section 6 of the Act of Congress, npproved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity School lands, viz: Serial 017973 NW 1-4 SE 1-i, SW 1-4 SE 1-4, Section 4; NE 1-4 SE 1-4, Section 5; NW 1-4 NE 1-4 Section 9, all In T. 11 N., R. 5 E., Salt Lako Meridian. Copies of said lists, so far as they relate re-late to said tracts by descrlptlvo subdivisions, sub-divisions, havo bean conspicuously posted In this office for Inspection by ony por3on interested and by tho puli-He puli-He generally. During tho period of publication of this notice, or any tlmo thereafter, and beforo final approval ap-proval and certification, undor departmental de-partmental regulations of April 25, 1907, protests or contests against tho claim of tho Stato to any of the tracts or subdivisions horelnbeforo described describ-ed on tho ground that tho samo Is moro valuablo for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will bo received receiv-ed and noted for report to tho Genor-nl Genor-nl Land Ofllco nt Washington, D. C. Falluro so to protest or contest, within with-in tho tlmo specified, will bo considered consid-ered sufficient ovldenco of tho non-mineral non-mineral character of tho tracts and tho selections thereof, bolng other-wlso other-wlso freo from objection, will bo approved ap-proved to tho State. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Reglstor. Adv. 9-21 State of Utah, Secretary of State's Office I, David Mattson, Secretary ot Sttdo of tho State of Utah, do here by certify that tho foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of SEN1 AT13 JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER LIGHT proposing nn nmoutliueiit to Article 13 of the Constitution ot tho State of Utah, relating to revenue nnd taxntlou as appears of record In my ofilto. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto hereun-to set my hand and alllxed rhe Great Seal of the Stato of Utah, this 22nd day o! Augubt, 1916. DAVID MATTSON, SEAL Secretary of Stato Adv U-7 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER SIX A Joint Resolution pr6vldlng an amendment to Section 17, Artlclo 7, of tho Constitution of tho Stato ot Utah, relating to tho duties of tho Auditor and of tho Treasurer. Bo It enactod by tho Legislature ot tho State ot Utah: Two-thirds of nil the members elected to each ot tho two Houses concurring therein: Section 1. That It Is proposed to amend Section 17, Artlclo 7, ot tho Constitution of the Stato of Utah, so that tho same will read as follows: 17 Tho Auditor shall bo Auditor of public accounts. Tho public monoys mon-oys shnll bo deposited by the Treasurer, Treas-urer, under tho supervision ot the Board of Examiners, and as provided by law. Section 2. Tho Secretary of Stato Is hereby directed to submit this proposed pro-posed amendment to the electors of tiro Stato at tho noxt general election elec-tion in the manner provided by lnw. Section 3. If adopted by tho electors elec-tors of the Stato, this amendment shall take effect January 1, 1917. 'Approved, March 17, 1913. State of Utah, Secretary of State's Office . I, David Mattson, Sccretnry of Stato of tho Stato of Utah, do, hpreby certify' cer-tify' that tho foregoing "Is a full, true and correct copy of HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER SIX providing pro-viding nn amendment to Section 17, Article 7, of tho Constitution ot the Stnto of Utnh relating to tjip duties of tho Auditor and of tho Treasurer, as appears on record In mj; office. In Witness whereof, I havo hereunto hereun-to set my hand and affixed tho great seat of tho Stato of Utah, this 22nd day of August, 191G. DAVID MATTSON, SEAL Secretary of Stato Adv. H. S. Amussen, D. 0. M. D. Osteopathic and Surgical Specialist Offices over Thatcher Clothing Co. iDR. E. J. MERRILL OSTEOPATH I Chronic Diseases A f Specialty - Arimo Blk. I We are Fully Equipt To Supply your every want in Granite and Marble Headstones AND MONUMENTS Bee Our Large Display Logan Stone and Monument Co. Corner First East and First South Loon, Utah ' 'a vH J 5" i Basflfl Special features xvlijeli pveATHENJ Underwear its comfort M Wl I qualities, daintiness and tailored Jiti Wt lll ' S J$l All A'thcna garments made jjr5j2$irf 'fl jrl I nj 'u" 0VCT bust and narrow T l?5y ( IIbEc 4aafl I ff Vi across the back, fh L V"1" iIHeJ Kl IT" ?" (ml lfl f,nnt Stf apt cannol f . 110 aLV l I Sloping thoulJert nnd MtievrijCJ V " I I HSfl wlBBI 1 I tKkpcft to body and arm Lr 1 1?- 9 11 V ShtvtJr atay hold Uevr in V f p9 BH Iff III CarvJ ettt nrmhoUi ptnvtdfr l 1 yes? , M I II II inua ht ujdtr rm. Sj IiIbI? J? H I II y"fTV Pnt'nt pof.,t. nt Hayl yTi HfS? H i I ' V I doied and ii alwajri comloruMe, x-"! I laW al I I A 1 1 F I Nnttroin tvtamt Iniuf eow- 1 1 Effiu , t fH I V 1 1 ton and longefweai, 1 i HK J. H IATHIENA M J IKS UNDERWEAR Iffffl Ji fcfJLV n &y FOR WOMEN AND CHILDBEN lf '? gr You can have underwear that fits you lj l ;H fby perfectly. ATHENA Underwear is cut to j ifl fjaW the exact shape of your figure. , pi , fl Sv- It 15 fnn )i K linrlnrwfvir Vnf le rriin r fif u.ittirtor 1 K araral jsy stretching: over the bust and hips, or without being lop U-'H feJill too full back of the shoulders or at the waist. '-lfl jig I There is as much difference between ATHENA IlEp fl !v ! II Underwear and other underwear as between a rj 'fl g.l tailored suit and a Mother Hubbard. p2 Jl! ifli I ATHENA Underwear does not bind or hinder UP H t3 II the freedom of your amis or body. I fe& H PI id - , t B ill gg3j All stzct, umghts and qualities at tht pnets IllSy &! flS ill )3U have Ua accustomed t) pjy. IiSr HI ffflff TTmb MowfcciuL,-CARniKi D. ly"! $m fil B, DEPARTMENT STORE Ii H & iaj LOGAN. UTAH. j Jj 3 flfl fflKsyiJSSSrslffii! iiliiliB H BRING YOUR HIDES Pelts, Beeswpx, Rubbers, Metals, Cast Iron, Wrought Iron, Bottles, Bones, Sacks, Highest Price Paid Lop Hide and Junk Go. Mrs. Appleman, prop 146 South Main Street Logan Wesley Jacques Barber Shop Has moved his Barber Shop to 13t North Main Btrcet. Halrcuttlng 2t cents. First class work guaranteed I WALTERS & HARRIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Over First NoUonal Dank Phone 601 Logau, Utah ASA BULLEN LAWYER 13 Commercial Block Phone 600 Logan L00AN WALL fAftKl M AND PAINT CO. 1 J. F. Shirmeister, Mgr. II Painters, fl Paperhangers, 1 Decorators 1 Wc carry the largest stock of fl Wall Paper in town fl Phone 393-W M 1 j IVJ NEBEKER I THATCHER 1 & BOWEN I LAWYERS H ulte 5-9 Commercial Block Mf' Phone 70 14 West Center B A. A. LAW I I LAWYER K In Arlmo Block, across from th M Csurt Housa Phona U H E. S. CHAMBERS I LAWYER Arlmo Block H On Dour North of Postofflsa H Telephone 421 H' I ' Hi - 1 1 afl BaaaaaaBaaaaaHaaaaaaiaB wk fl lilannilllall In constant favor II I ARtLtllELN with the partlc, II I w U 1 I 1 U L: 1 II 'ar buyers be lfl H cause they have El H consistently made I'll I AMR H FlIlU Clean as a new H I pin. H I QPRINH r.r:v.; I fl OF III 11 U efficiency. These coals cost HI CANYON COALS " I II Order today H i M I The Ml. & L, I I Coal and Wood Co. I PHONE 74 LOGAN, UTAH i |