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Show NORTH CACHE HIGH SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY Tho North Cache High School will t'pen Monday, September IS. All Indications In-dications point to tho fact that this la going Jp be a banner year. The building Iibr beon thoroughly cleaned and put in readiness. Tho various laboratories havo been enlarged with additional material and equipment. Two now members have been udd-od udd-od to tho faculty. Mr. Stott, a graduate grad-uate of tho Utah Agricultural College has been connected with tne Farm Management Department of the U. A. C. in making a nuber of Import ant farm survoys in tho State. Ho will be a valuable addition to tho faculty. Another valuablo addition Is Miss Johnson of the University of Utah who comes to tho North Cache High School as an experienced instructor in-structor wth an excellent record. Tho older members of the faculty are returning re-turning full of vigor, ana enthusiasm for the year's work. Tho big problom this year will bo accommodating the largo crowds as Indications are that there will be a largo Increase in tho enrollment over last year. Tho people of North Cacho County aro realizing the good that tho sclcol is doing and thero is an increasing demand for entrance Besides the regular high school courses excellent work Is given in carpentry, agriculture, domestic art, domestic science, music and commercial commer-cial subjects. No student can afford to miss the opportunity given them of obtaining this excellent training. Statistics show that tho largest percentago of thoso who fall are thoso who start In late. Thereforo every student should mako It a point to bo thero tho very first day. |