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Show I You will find our new Fall Showing of A Kuppenheimer Clothes 1 MZ ' $20 to $30 I ,S lW 3t l mighty timely. You'll !r ' l N$y4vL seethe season's leading jfe 1 styles in this display. SB J- Lr You'11 find a host of 2 - xr&r smart new patterns and ' ffl I I V colors in virgin pure f J i 1 woolens. You'll find sen- 2 vJlv 1 r se economy here at ffl if V I I Greater-Value-Giving Prices, m Slj I l You'll find service and m XjT I I satisfaction in unbound- jHJ J 111 You'll find out why this H J II store enjoys the better m. JyP T3 patronage of a steadily pSl Ei increasing number of this W & city's best dressed men. A HOVyTSjTIhIOSJ 1 LOGAN'S FOREMOST CLOTHIERS f PEACH DAY BRIGHAIHEPT, 14 Everybody welcome, $1.25 for tho round trip, from Hydo Park, Logan and all points Including Mention. Tickets on salo, September 14; return re-turn Soptember 15. Cars every two hours; last car leaves Urlghnra City at 12:12 a. m, for Preston and Inter-mediate Inter-mediate points via Tho Electric Way, Adv. 9-14 mir u'nnr Aiif th nuHii"-'-- icurip DO IT SATURDAYl Special excursions via Oregon Short I.lne every Saturday, back Monday, to Ogden, Salt Lake nnd many other points, HIg roomy cars; good road bod. Seo O. S, L, agents for details. de-tails. Adv. 9-1G mam Our Want Ads aro business getters mm m Advertising make the wheels bn. ROOMS FOR RENT Rooms for light housekeeping. Art-mo Art-mo DIock. Call on Harris Music Co. -Adv. 0-U ADVERTISED BETTERS Logan, Sept. 9. Thu following letters are at thu post olllco, and If not called tor with In two weeks will ho sent to llio Dead Letter Olllco, Washington D. C: Allen, Miss Annie, Crockett, A. F. Harris, Miss Alniu A. Hodges, C. J. Hansen, Miss Chloe, Johnson, Miss Mao. Llddell, Mr. C. L. Lowe, E. A. Malmberg Dros. Peterson, Miss Janu C, Pedersen, Mr. Chas. H. Pendleton, J. 11. Stewart, Miss Ella. Wright, Mr. G. W. Williams, E. A. Young, Mrs. Maud, 144 East Second South. J. M. DLAIR, Postmaster. Day your goods at home. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE Consult the County Clerk or the Respective Signers for Further Information NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Johanna C. S. Johanscn, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tho under signed at their rcsldenco In Lagan City, Cache County, Utah, on or bo foro tho 14th day of July A. D. 1917. Date of first publication, September 12, A. D. 1910. CHRISTIAN DALLING, HEZEKIAH E. HATCH, Executors. ASA DULLEN, Attorney. Adv. 1015 Classified! I FOR RENT M BOARDERS, ROOM AND HOARD, ! $4.50 por week. 125 West Fourth fl South. tf gM ROOMS, with or without board, 19 58 East Second South. B . $m G ROOM HOUSE, 30 East Fourth ,M South. j.i2 Wm ROOMS with or without board, 58 3 Fast Third South. tt FOR SALE II 1 Hesse canyon wagon, three Boats, H fcood condition; 1 Hesse, small wag- H on. ono sent, n good delivery or Btnull, Wk milk wagon; 1 slnglo seat Polo but;- jfl gy; 1 set medium weight 'harness. am AM bnrca'ns. Inquire nt this office. It ' H GOOD PAIR MULES, well broke, tig' good Blze, good team for dry farmer; 9 cheap if taken at once. Phono 240. HP 9-12 O A SPLENDID DRY FARM of 1500 J ucms In Dox Eldor county, 1000 acres aft plowod and balance In sago brush;- & house, barn, granary and good' Well. IS Easy terms. For particulars, phono mk 48. it m 40 ACRES OF LAND near Stone, H Oneida County, Idaho, nnd wnter for H same, Prlco $2500, t lenst $500 down B nnd bnlaiico nt 8 per cent per milium, Wk' secured. George (1. Armstrong P. Wl O. Hox 200, Salt Lnko City. 9-H '4! BLACK DRIVING MARE and colt, 5-H cheap. Phono 373m. 9-1 1 mm A SNAP An 8 room house nnd H full acre lot, cast front, close In. H Main street. Apply J. W. Craghcnd, H this olllcc. tf M rmrm iinnd.- UAtiupDa ai.,rrir, 1 buggy, wagon and one ton liny, a good H bargain If taken nt once W. O. Jack- H son, rear Journal Hulldlng. tt H 1'TUNITI'IIE Hecauso of moving, 11 will se'l leather Davenport, llbmry H tabic, sectional beck cases, chairs, H brass bed, Iron bed, chiffonier dress- H cr, writing desk, rnngo, rnfrlgcrntnr, H kitchen utensils, fruit Jars etc.; must H bn sold by Friday. Phono 501 or call H E. P. Taylor, College Hill. 9-12 M WANTED M WANTED First class Jiorso sheer. IH Call or phono Mlko White, Richmond. H FIRST CLASS HOnSESHOEIl. Ap- M ply Mtkc White, Illchmond, 9-23 1 A HOY to learn plumbing trndo. H Call I). V. AiidorKou. plinne 203. tt JW "LIVE KEPRESENTATIVI'K who M can meet tho public; grod salary. d- H dress N C. Republican olllco, tl-12 tH - imi Hi i m iiii mm mK , , , '' ' m ' ' ' ' " ' ' """ " . jH Im A "I? J T1 "D Um ur are stock Cotton, Wool and Wool Knap Blankets, I I A I flit1 i riGflflS 1 IIC 1 ilDUC in a SiZts in a arge range Prices an va"etY of colors are H " IvIlU now reacJy for y0ur inspection. As usual you get more value B for less money at our store. We were fortunate in securing our blan'kets early, which will enable us to sell at last year's prices, al- H though blankets have advanced fronvlO to 30 per' cent this year. &&&& m FONNESBECK KNITTING WORKS -. LOCAN, UTAH 1 I |