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Show THESE HINTS MAY HELP YOU TO SELL SOMETHING "Making Things to Sell," Is nn In-toiostlng In-toiostlng nrtlclo In tho Womnn'n Homo Compnnlon. Tho writer tolls how a porson should mako his or hor start in buying materials and mnrltot tho finished product. She says; "Let us suppose- that- tho arttclo to bo marketed Is. finished and In hand; It should bo examined minutely, and any dofects corrected, that it bo as nearly professional in appcaranco as It can bo mndo. Lot It bo carefully packed, ns taking caro of tho gooJi gives tho impression subconsciousl; that thoy nro worth being tnken can ot. Tho fastening of tho packagi should bo easy to open, ns when tin buyer Is reached no tlmo should bt lost in fumbling. "Now begins tho real test of buc-cess buc-cess or failure; Timidity must bo conquered; con-quered; tho first start takes courag Almost any woman would rather 8" Into action in tho trenches than to fnco a big shop's sample room for th first tlmo, "Upon reaching tho buyer, who li n vory big person In his, or her, opinion, opin-ion, nnd in that of tho samplo rooa forco, no nervousness should bo betrayed, be-trayed, no moro talk than absolute ly necessary, and no delay. Tho Idea: manner for a first encounter with buyor Is formality tinged with friend lincss. Personality and polltencs! count, and cheorfulnoss nnd a l'leai ant manner nro groat assets. IluslncM llko oxnetness in stating prices nnl torms Is lndlspensablo." |