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Show - t OLD ENGINES BROUGHT INTO SERVICE Obsolcto old locomotives, relegated years ago to tho scrap heap, havo been reconstructed by ono of tho western railways and put In servlco on some of its branch linos. Somo months ago tho work wns first undertaken, un-dertaken, and seven discarded engines en-gines rejuvenated. Tho pressing need for smnll locomotives at that tlmo and the proximity of a dull season sea-son which otherwise would nocessl-tato nocessl-tato tho temporary discharge of a largo forco of shopmen nt "Lincoln, Nebraska, wore largely responsible for tho Inauguration of tho plan. In addition to tiding the shop forco ovor a dull senson, a group of good locomotives loco-motives wns produced at a saving of about ono-thlrd tho cost of new ones. |