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Show HOW TO GIVE GOOD ADVICE The best way to give good ndvlco is to set a goqd oxamplo. When others oth-ers see how quickly you got over your cold by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy thoy aro likely to follow your oxnmplo. This remedy has boon In use for many years and enjoys an excellent ex-cellent reputation. Obtainable everywhere, every-where, Adv. Transit Company, had refused to seo them and discuss alleged grievances of motormen In tho employ of the la-tci la-tci borough who aro members of that brotherhood. Mr. Shonts declared tonight, however, that thoro was no differences between the fnotonnen and tho company. Two hundred nnd flvo representatives representa-tives of various unions, at a meeting lato today, ratified tho sympathetic strlko order, It was announced, and ngroed to call out tho mombers of their organizations tomorrow. The grand Jury returned Indictments against fifteen persons nccusod of vl-olenco vl-olenco during tho car strike. Thero woro fewor attempts at vlo- I "lonco today, according to tlio police, than for a week past. |