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Show FIRST SQUADRON 11 UTAH CAVALRY II COMING HOME il General Funston, commander of the rVfl troops on tho border gavo tho order if I on Wodnosday for tbo return to Utah $Ifl of tho First Squndron of Utah Caval- ' ry comprising troops ABC and D, S-fll Troops A and 0 aro Salt Lako ro- $Hfl crutts, troop B, Ogden, and troop D, IB I Mantl and vicinity. jiJBM It Is spoctficd In tho order that tho uSSI squadron will bo moved out as soon BHfl as othor national guardsmon nrrlvo to fin I tako their place. As tho second squad PBl ron of tho Utah Cavalry Is not order- Bj cd to return It Is tho belief of thoso Hflj In command that duo to tho fact that IB their horses and equipment was not oil received as soon as tho first squad- ran that tho training and drill has Bfl not yet been sufficient to wurrant tho HB order to return, Tho second squadron fl Is comprlsod of troops E F G and H H tho latter is our troop. , , fflH With tho roturn and mustering out H of tho Utah Cavalry it is oxpectcd jH that tho various commands will bo B kept In tact for futuro training and jBJ drill and will bo supplied with their Bfi horses and all equipment used on tho B border. This training has developed SflJ a capable and efficient military organ- J izatlon that Utah Is Justly proud of ' nnd ono which wo all hope will bo maintained. J Tho ordered return of tho second Bt squadron Is oxpectcd somo tlmo In BBt tho next five weeks. Tho exact date of tho departure of the first sqtdron Is nol yet known. SB - HBH |