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Show BREW YOUR OWN LAGER, 22 CENTS A GALLON t Finest you ever tasted, easily made vigorating, all the flavor, sparkle and snap of the best lager beer brewed. Not to be compared with usual so-called so-called near-beers. Just get PEERLESS Malt Hops Extract and follow the simple sim-ple directions. Have better, purer, wholesomer drink than you ever got In saloons. Fine, clear color, rich, creamy foam. Extract itself contains con-tains no alchol and can be sent to any "dry" section. One package makes 7 gallons genuine malt and hops brew, the kind that really "touches the spot.' PEERYLESS Malt Hops Extract only $1.60 prepaid. Send today. Superior Malt Products Co., 509 Santa Fe Ave.. Pueblo, Colo. Merchants Write tor attractive agents offer. |