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Show NECESSITY OF CONSTANT ADVERTISING Constant advertising is now recognized as a necessity in business. busi-ness. In this day of quick changes a prosperous concern which neglects its advertising side will become practically unknown in a few years, while the goods which are kept constantly before the eyes of the public will make the record in the matter of sales. Big business has long known this and has paid just as much attention to the advertising side as other parts of their affairs. It is essential to success and they know it. Advertising is now used in many ways aside from pointing out the merit of the gods offered the public. It is extensively used in giving the public information about matters in which the public has a right to be interested. , In this connection might be mentioned the advertising campaign cam-paign of Swift & company, jackers, who more than a year ago commenced com-menced a nation-wide campaign. The advertising this company is putting out is largely one of giving the public certain valuable information and it is having a wonderful effect. The people want to know many things about the meat industry which they have heretofore had no information from experts. As a result they thought things and reached conclusions from what they heard from uninformed sources. Now the Swifts are stating the facts to the people and this in itself is well worth while. , . On the other hand there are a number of concerns which f r dropped their advertising a year or two' ago and they are now practically Unknown to the public. Less than two years ago there was & large sugar company which placed advertising in all the weekly papers in the state, but when the government took charge of sugar distribution the advertising was dicontinued. And in this short space of time the very name of the company has almost become unknown to the ordinary citizen. It is no longer a household house-hold word. The people have forgotten. Keep up your advertising. Don't let the people forget you. |