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Show WHOM!) FOR SALE Elias Thpmas proper-, ty at No. 126-28-30 Main. Will pay 25 per cent on investment. See E. E. Dudley. WANTED. Office desx. Apply Dr. Flynn'8 office. , FOR SALE. Three electric fans. Apply Julius Damenstine. . FOR RENT. Modern 3-room apartment, apart-ment, (15.00 per month. Inquire Press-Bulletin Press-Bulletin office. FOUND. A finger ring. Owner can get same by describing same and paying pay-ing for this advertisement. Press-Bulletin. ' WANTED Girl for general housework, house-work, small family, good wages. Phone 155. ' FOR SAILE A dandy little chicken ranch and a money maker at River-ton, River-ton, Utah, consisting of four room frame house and pantry, city water' piped in house, stable and two chick-' en coops, one incubator room, 3 incubators, incu-bators, about 100 chickens, one good work horse, light wagon and harness, several ducks and Belgian hares, one plow, one harrow, one cultivator, five tons of hay, three pure bred pigs, one and a half acres in sugar beets (good stand)' 1-8 acre In tomatoes, 1-2 acre in beans, 1-8 acre In onions, rest of place in potatoes, watermelons, corn, squash, and cucumbers. Nice family orchard is needed. Size of place is 37 1-2 by 17 1-2 rods. Evertbing mentioned men-tioned goes with place. Price only $2,500.. Address R. F. D. 115 Riverton, Utah 2t GET Your printing done at the Job . department of the Press-Bulletin. 1 WANTED Agent for Bingham canyon can-yon and vicinity. Good proposition. Previous experience ' unnecessary. Free school of instruction." Address Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, Accident and Health Department, Depart-ment, Saginaw, Michigan. Capital $1,-500,000. FOR SALE Dodge touring car Just overhauled, practically new tires, new battery, looks almost like new. This is a good car and will sell very reasonable rea-sonable for cash. Apply E, A. Jones, 5 Heaaton Heights, Bingham Canyon. stK?pgHMaMHaW I Semloh Hotel Co. ! nmiHIMJ- : a.-TAfT. Proprietor . . Ill's s RATES: & 3 100 Rooms & $ $1.00 Without Bath, One Person 11.50 Without Bath, Two Persons K 100 Rooms ' 50 Rooms g $1.50 With Bath, One Person $2.00 With Bath, One Person $2.50 With Bath, Two Persons $3.00 With Bath, Two Persons i $ We make special rates on rooms by the week or month. Sj I FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS Note: We advertise 100 $1.00 per day rooms. You 1 know what you are usually told elswhere when you want 1 a dollar a day room. v 1 The Semloh has just secured the services of Mr. V i $ R. Newbould, for three years room clerk of the New Grand Hotel, also Mr. E. Curtin, for the past five years B !with the Cullen Hotel. f Catering Only to the Respectable Element r |