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Show B mmt i i w H Have voti seen our NEW H and UP-TO-DATE line of I Hosiery H It is now time to look over H your old and worn ., m Underwear H and see what you want for H -fall and winter in this line. H We can always give you H what you want and at the H Right Price. I Logan Knitting I Factory. H LOGAN', ITAH. I DO YOU USE MILK? B My milk N sterilized and cooled m down lo (() degrees befoie dcllveiv- B Dellveiod night 01 nioinlntr H F. C. Goodwin H Residence .lit S'jth V POIIox2s.l B - I Want Column I m Chickens u an tod Snitiithwalte H Center stioot vvc H 1C1V U'K" K'K" (iood pure Ice In H ;niy quantity ;il Isaac Smith's, Logan. B Stove ropaii lug a specialty Neeley's H patent llieto (its any cookstovc and H range.KdwIn Peako, phone 130k, Logan H Wanted A buyer for a 7 room frame M dwelling, flxlS iods, a desirable loci- H Hon. Don't fail to see me If you are B looking for a home 22s S 1st Kast St. H We buy all kinds of stocs and B second band furnituie. We will pay I cash or exchange, .lolmson's Second H Hand Store, Fust North street tf H .los. Newbold has rcmoed to his H new store neai court house. Call on H him for clothing, shoes, and gents H furnishings Always the best and H cheapest in town. B Maehineiy We lep.iir an and all I kinds ot machinery Satisfaction . guaranteed. i:ts W ltd South Lun- V duhl&Snn we I Notice of Assessment. The My rum Irrigating Co. Place of business, Hvrum, Cache Co , Utah. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors of the Iljiiiin Irrigating Co , held at Hy rum, Utah, August 22nd, 1!kV., an assessment of $1.10 pel share was made by said board, to be levied upon the stock of t lie corporation, payable pay-able to the secietaiy thcieof at his residence in Hyruni, Cache Co., Utah, on orbefoie the l.lth day of November llio.'): and any stock ut.on which the said assessment icmalus unpaid on the l.'ith day of Novembci, I'm.',, will be delinquent and will bo advertised foi s lie at public auction, and unless pay-fiientUin.uk' pay-fiientUin.uk' before will be sold on the loth day of December, liKi,'., at 12 o'clock noon, at the lesldcnce of James L. .lenson, tieasuier of said coipoia-tion, coipoia-tion, In Ilv rum, Cache Co, Utah, to pay the delinquent assessment together togeth-er with the cost and expense of sale. I.vmi:- L. .Ii:nm.v, Sccietary and Tieasurci. Good Advice. Itound out even day with a visit witli the wife ami little folks (let close to tlieli lieai ts Hear all the seciets and listen to all young folks's aspirations These mav seem a trllle misty to you, looking at them from the standpoint of the years which He between today and your own youth: but dreams have their value they load to the leal business of life Farm .louinal DeWltt's 2B Solve For Piles, Burns, Sores. m 1 H : THATCHER OPERA HOUSE B Cool, Clean and Comfortable. 2 H Week Commencing Sept. 4th. H 2 Change of Bill Every Monday and Thursday. I H - . B A screaming opening' act by the 2 2 "Burglar Alarm." 2 H H 2 'he Beautiiul Patriotic Song 2 B 2 "The Boys are Coming home Today." 2 B 2 Sung by Logan's Favorite, FRANK BAUGH. 2 H H First time in Logan of H 2 Gene Le Roy H 2 Musical Comedy. M ; : ; H 2 Initial Appearance of the Novelty Comedy Dno : NAGLE and ADAMS 5 M Iu their original comedy "The 20th Century 2 H, 2 Messenger Boy." 2 B NEW MOVING PICTURES. Admission J0 H S Two performances every evening. Ladies Souvenir 2 H g Matinee Wednesday. Seven different prizes Riven away B 2 Wednesday evening. YB BfBa ooeaoo eoaoaoaooeoooeoeceooooaeose0eaoooO9 bbbhM; ' flf you want to be put next to Men's and Young Men's up-to-date wearing apparel Frank Thatcher's ' Successor to Thatcher & Hansen and we will put you wise as to the proper caper for Fall n Bit Different I . A - A Mite Smarter I g j n Shade Newer 1 STEIN-BLOCH Smart clothes, overcoats and craviuettes, Walk-Over Shoes, 1 Dempster Hats and the latest in Furnishings, arriving daily , I Sole agent for ffoJ ) NE PRIC (Barhartt 7jf jh ftC'4jPy itt i rut (Sf S' Wsy-ss i ysrr 27 Main St. Working Clothes . . . and Gloves s A New Savings Department IS ANNOUNCED IN CONNECTION WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOGAN, UTAH How to Make a Deposit 1 Urine your money to us any amount from ono dollar upwaid. We Rive you a passbook which records 9 the fact (in ink) that voti have left that amount with us. Kveiy time you add to it, asimllar record is made . " so by looklnjj at your passbook you can toll at a irlance how much money you have In deposit. -A m We pay I per cent on deposits ar.d compound it every thiee months on all sums left with us for three &W months or longer. Our savings department Is adapted to you we make jour money grow for voti hundreds arc on our i M books Join the ciovvd of depositors and get out of the spending habit fp Place your money each week In oursavlngs department ' jy Begin to Save Today i Comfort, Plenty and Respect follow Saving. Below is a list of our Officers and Directors: I Officers: V. S. McCoruick, President, Allan M. Fleming, Cashier James Qtiayle, Vice President Hyruni E. Crockett, Assistant Cashier Directors: Joseph F. Smith, V. S. McCoruick, Soren Hansen, Thomas Smart, John II. Anderson, Allen M. Fleming, C. W. Nibley, C. C. Goodwin, James Quayle i i. ..- . WE ARE MOVING To our new store on Main Street, south of Stutlcbakcrs about Sept. 15, jl and offer several second hand and slightly used pianos and organs at. W bargain prices. Gall early and get first choice. s Second hand Pianos from $55 up Pianos ever shown in the State ot Second hand Organs from $2o up tan r ,-f , tv j,,,- W We ,iave so'd 36 HENRY F. Beautiful new Pianos $165 OB 1 v &L( MILLER PIANOS in Logan First-class Sewing Machine $20 Izfl n, ,,, m .. h JBf ancI we have sold as many of and Numerous other bargains. J? SIX othea makes. We are opening our new store We wiH be pleased tQ haveyou with the finest and largest stock of - call aml SC(J onr goodSi I' We Always give Car Load PRICES TO EVERYBODY 1 Thatcher Music Co,f |