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Show Millvi He Musings. Millvillk Sept. 5. The Stake Superintendent, Danford Rlckmore, reorganised the Y. M. M. I. A. or this ward with Ephralm Ycates president, Rastus Itassmussen and Jos. I. Jessop as counsellors, Geo. Hulse secretary, and Oliver Wilson ticasure. Geo. O. Pitkin is again working up the water proposition and is making a canvass or the town soliciting a dollar dol-lar from each family who desires water, to pay a surveyor to run tho lines and report the cost ofacomplctc water system. Our grist mill has opened up business busi-ness again with blight prospects be-foic be-foic It, farmers aro hauling their yearly year-ly grist from tho thrcslier direct to the mill. Tho work of rcparlng our meeting houso has been resumed and when present calculations aro completed the house will be quite respectable. Mr. James G. Taylor has Just returned re-turned from a very successful trip aiound tho north end or the valley practising veterinary dentistry. He I has all tho uiodorn instruments nee-cessary nee-cessary to do llrst class work on all kinds or bad teeth In horses. |