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Show LABOR DAY AND ITS CELEBRATION Is Fittingly Observed In H the County Generally. H Local Sports, Baseball, H Odd Fellows, Etc. H Labor Day celebration In Logan dur- H ing the past yeais may bo classed with H things that "ain't" and "wasn't." H Tills jear, to be sure, it was a little H ditTcrent.but celebrations like the big- H gcr towns boast of is yet away oil as H far as Logan is concerned, duu to the H fact that the wage earning population H of Logan is yet of minimum sbo and H the union lias not made Its appear- H It docs not necessarily follow that H the oidluary workman docs not ob- H servo labor day, or that union men H arc the only ones that celebrate. Far H from It, tho working man, dresses In his best suit and placing a "liver" be- tween ills teeth and best of all, stays H at home with his wifo and little ones. H Mil) be this Is abcltei wayofcommem- H orating the holiday than eating "clam bakes" or "mock turtle soup." The little celebration Logan did have, was divided, but the merchants closed their places or business and . there was no work done on the public buildings or streets. The Odd Fellows. H Down at the old land mailc, John- son's Grove, the Odd Fellows enjoed themselves. They were Joined by the H Woodmen or the World and the Daughters of Rebecca and a real hand H shaking, fraternal time occurred. J Most of them biought their lunches, H and under the trees they feasted themselves. Aftei the roasting a real H neat little piograin took place In the pavilion, icndeied as follows: H Piano Solo Mrs. N. R Mooio H "Labor" a short talk ...Rov.Norllcct H Woodcraft Oiganlcr Turner H "Fraternallsm" P. K. Kccler B Recitation Hattlc Lawson H Solo s. Frank Raugh H After the piogram, dancing took H placo In the pavilion, and on the ath- H Ictlc Held the"goat-hcrdcis"ran races H and Jumped Jumps, etc. H When tho sun descended, Logan's H automoblllous line appeared In the H personage of the livery hacks, and tho H "bumpers" and "black bailers" with H wives, children, sweethearts, empty H dinner pails and tied anatomies piled H in and were soon delivered G. O. I), at H their door steps. H At the Ball Park. M Down at the ball park the national H game appeared In a desecrated form. H It was lecognlablc, however. In a lilt H between teams representing the Hell H Telephone and the Independent com- H panics, the few festive fans who still H exist In Logan found some enjoyment. H The Independents won by a score of II H to 13. Some of the players both aggregations have been old profession- H als, and have handled the ball in every H league almost or clso the favorite past H time might have been mutilated K worse. The batteries were: Reed and H Mack lor the Rell and White and M Powell lor tho Independents. H In the Canyon. H For the most part canyon parties B had the favor or thegenoial public in M its attempt to while away the time. M Many or tho parties who went up re- H turned in tho evening and reported M that after sundown tho canyon is H chilly and has become very uncom- M fortable. Mos', of the campers who jH summered in the mountains havo H como homo and Labor Day will prob- H ably mark the last exodus to Logan M canyon foi this year. M |