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Show RELIC OF BEN FRANKLIN. Toledo Woman Haa Sliver Cup On-.t Owned by Him. One of tho most Interesting relics owned In Toledo Is a silver cup belong Ing to Mrs. J, Entwlstle of No. 1-0 Bush street and onco the property of Benjamin Krnnklln, says the New York Herald. It was made under his supervision sup-ervision In Europe about 140 jr-M ago, tho date, as near as can be as. nertnlned, being the year 17C3. Mrs. Entwlstle Is the widow of Two Stlckney, son of MaJ. Stlckncy, one of tho first settlers, In whose family the name of Toledo was first suggested. Tho cup Is about six Inches hl-h and of solid silver. On It Is this inscription: in-scription: "Legacy by tho will of Hon-Jamln Hon-Jamln Franklin to Anthony S. Stlckney." Stlck-ney." Anthony S. Stlckney wn t'io father of MaJ. Stlckney. The cup ha-i descended from father to son and Is now tho proporty of Mrs. Entwlstle, who has the precious relic in a safety deposit vault In one of our locnl banks. The workmanship on the cup Is very fine nnd tho wear of two contnrl"M seems to have made no perceptible difference dif-ference in Its appearance. A fact concerning tlie naming ef 1t' lodo was brought to light when tho history of tho old cup was looked up. Many historians sny tho cltj w as named Toledo by a man named i'an-lels. i'an-lels. Records In tho Entwlstle b" lie show flint Toledo was named b the Stlckneys. The history of Spain w is being studied nnd when tho name Toledo To-ledo In Spnin was reached Two S' d-ney d-ney suggested that the settlement then called Vistula nnd Port Lawrence bo named Toledo, as thero was no other Toledo In tho United Stntcs. From this, It Is said, tho name of Toledo came. |