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Show REVOLUTIONISTS SUCCESSFUL. Government Troops of San Domingo Defeated by Insurgents. A serious battle was fought on tho, 2Cth botwoon tho Dominican troops and tho revolutionists nt Espcranza, on tho road from Monto Chrlstl to Santiago, near Mao. Tho revolutionists revolu-tionists wero victorious. Many wero killed or wounded on both sides. Goncral Gon-cral Raoul Cabrera, minister of war, who commanded tho government troops, wns killed nnd his body taken to Navarretto. Tho revolutionists nro before Navnrctto, where another bat-tlo bat-tlo will bo fought. Tho government troops nro waiting for reinforcements. The United States cruiser Detroit and tho gunboat Nowport nro off Monto Chrlstl. |