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Show METHODISTS ADJOURN. Most Remarkable Gathering In I Church's History at an End. It was artor midnight on Sundny when tho general couforenco of tho ' Methodist Ilplscopal church closed Its session nt Los Angeles. The conferonco just closed has nc-1 compllshcd much for tho Intorest of I tho Methodist church nnd will go j down In church history as ono of tho most Important In tho point of legislative legis-lative action. Tho action of tho gcncrnl conferonco confer-onco In retiilng flvo bishops nnd elect-, ing cloven others probably attracted j the widest attention of any othor Blnglo happening; but thoro wero ; mnny other subjects that affected tho great membership of tho church and which woro watched with dcop Interest. Inter-est. Among theso woro: Tho decision to stand by tho present pres-ent attitude of tho church on tho subject sub-ject of prohibited amusomontB; tho refusal to return to tho tlmo limit of pastoral sorvlco; tho exonerating of certain theological Bchools of tho chargo of heretical teachings; tho unification of tho Methodist publish. Ing houses; tho consolidation of the bonrds of church benevolences; providing pro-viding means of support for super-annuntcd super-annuntcd bishops; creating a commission commis-sion to rovlso tho commission np- pointed four years ago to bring tho various branches of Methodism closer together In tho uso of common prayer book, hymnal and catechism; a referendum of tho much-dlscussod quostlon of a colored bishop, nnd many othor matters of smaller Importance. |