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Show Booker Washington Not a Musician. 9HHHHH Pedro Tlnslcy, onco a porter of a IwHH Northwestern parlor car, has resign- ?HVal ed his position ns vocal director ot 'IH music at Tuskegce lnstltuto and will 'IHYcI go back to railroad work. Ho gives fHvel as a reason that Bookor Washington- llH has "little conception of music," and iH ho brings forward evidence: "Ho HvHI wanted mo to mako tho boys and HHHJ girls thero sing loud. I had a class ot ; ?HHH 400 voices and when thoy sang plan- 'il tatlon melodies It was something fAHHJ flerco thq way they would roll them HHHJ out. No, Mr. Washington knows 'VhTJ nothing about music." vhTJ |