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Show Atk Your Dealer For Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. It rests tho feet. Cures Corns, Ilunlons, Bwollon,8ore,Hot,Cllouit,AchIng, BHeatingFeetandlngrowlngNalU. Allen's Foot-Ease makes newortlghtthoeseaay. At all DruggUU and Shoe stores, SS oenU. Ao cent no substitute. Sample mailed Free. Address Alloa B. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. St. Jacobs Oil Is the greatest remedy In the world (or all bodily Aches and Pains j for which an externat remedy may be used. i Price, 25c. and 60c. BROMO SELTZER CURES Al.1 Headaches 10 CENTS-EVERYWHXWt JL DRUNKENNESS CURED. 1 ? . JJbw - Thousands of homes made happy every year by this treatment. flBaHUuini Most thoroughly equipped Institution In the west. Modern and BMIWa up to date In arery respect. Cures positively mads pBfcjffitlijBfl For terms and literature, address .... JECW.If THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. wM! iet eaeT first south bt.. salt iaki oitt. utsh. WESTERN SEEDS giBBS New Eighty-Page Illustrated Catalogue Free. Write To-day. BARTEIPES ft CO.. 1521 Fifteenth St., Denver, Coloradt, MRS. RATH'S BABY Tired Mother's Touching Story of Anxiety and Suffering. t. Cutlcura Brings Blessed Cure to SKla Tortured Baby and Peace and Rest to Its Worn Out Mother. It is no wonder that Mrs. Helena Rath was taken sick. Single-handed, she did all the housework and washed, cooked and mended for her husband, Hans, and their six children. After a A plucky fight to keep on her feet, Mrs. Rath had to yield, and early J5r in 1902 she took to-her bed. What followed she told to a visitor, who called at her tidy home, No, 82 1 Tenth Ave., New York City. "I hired a girl to mind the children chil-dren and to do whatever else she could. I couldn't stay In bed long. Sick as I was, it was easier tor me to crawl around than to lie and worry about my llttlo ones. So I got up after a few days, and let the girl go. I had noticed that sho had sores on her face, hands and arms, but I paid no attention to that until Charllo, my youngest, began to pick and scratch himself. lie was then ten months old, and the girl had paid moro attention to him than to any of tho others. Charlie was fretful fret-ful and cross, but as he was cutting teeth, I didn't think much of that. Even when a rash broke out on his faco I wasn't frightened, becauso everybody knows that that is qulto common with teething babieR. Several Sev-eral of ray others had it when little, and I thought nothing about it. " But the rash on Charlie's poor littio face spread to his neck, chest, and back. I had never seen anything any-thing quite like it before. The skin rose in little lumps, and matter camo out. My baby s skin was hot, and how he did suiter 1 Ho wouldn't cat, and night after night I walked the floor with him, weak as I was. Often I had to stop because I fcit faint and my back throbbed with pain. But the worst pain of all was to see my poor little boy burning with those nasty sores. "I believed ho hud caught some disease from the girl, but somo of the neighbors said he had eczema, and that is not catching, they told me. Yes, I gave him medicine, and Sut salves and things on him. I on't think they were all useless. Onco In a while tho itching seemed to let up a bit, but there was not much change for the better until a lady across tho strcot asked me why I didn't try the Cutlcura Remedies. I told her I had no faith In those things you read about in tho papers. She said sho didn't want me to go on faith nor even to spend any money at first. She gave me some Cutlcura Ointment I think the box was about half full and a piece of Cutlcura Soap. I followed S1SSB11SSSSSJ1S"""""",,"" out out nd brins to ooMPaaaNoe on eoaeispONO with TUTTLE BROTHERS "5.5" I pnoaaaee sldo.. lt ikb oitt. utam. Tbolr office established 1171. We sell homes and Investments, manure nonresident non-resident property on small commlsulnn, coueel , rents, etc Write us It you contemplate locating locat-ing In Salt Lake. Now Is the time to boy before the new railroads arrive. SEEDS PLANTS UVERYTHINQ FOR THE GARDEN CUT FLOWERS AND FUNERAL DESIGNS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ... TEL. 609. Sctiwarz & Helnecke, MkXi$$f the directions, bathing Charlie and putting that nice Ointment on the sores. "I wouldn't have believed that my baby would have been cured by a little thing like that. Not all of a sudden, mind you. Little by little, but so surely. Charlie and I both got more peace by day, and more sleep by night. The sores sort of dried up and went away. I shall never forget one blessed night when I went to bed with Charlie beside me, as soon aa I got the supper dishes out of the way and the older children undressed ; when I wok up tho sun Was streaming In. For tho first time in six months I had slept through the night without break. "Yes, that fat little boy by tk 'I window is Charlie, and his akin is as white aa a snow flake, thanks to the Cutlcura Remedies. I think everybody should know about the Soap and also the Ointment, and If it is going to help other mother with sick babies, go ahead and publish pub-lish what I have told you.'' MRS. HELENA RATH. ine agonizing, itching, and burning of the skin as in eczema; , the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis ; the loss of hair, and crusting J of the scalp, as in scalled head ; the facial disfigurements, as in pimples and ringworm ; the awful suffering of infants, and anxiety fl of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and salt rheum, aU - demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent i are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is mads i regarding them that is not justified by the strongest evidence. a The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief, j the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety I and great economy have made them the standard skin cures, blood purifiers and humour remedies of the civilized world. .n'.CnlVVlR.,;?,;!!!,18,,re'0,,,,.hK'1f,'';,,ul'S'',,lll,!w,,'or,'' PRICKSi Outlouranolv. , j L ent, , fine, psr bottle (In llio form of Chncnlnto CoatoU Wis, !Bo. per Tlal of 00)1 Outlonra I i T omVM BenafoMUBSaUork.illimiSri rz i of tlianioptl, hkln.rilHcal.,nil llowtoOurolliem."Wna((e,300I)l.fa,es, wlthl titrations, jS j t- ?;ri,.lr,',?J V01". '" g,' 1?"KV '"'""iK JPi ""'I Chines.. nrltU nejSlJ I .Y--l.U4rtrtioUHifk.,Ix)udnn,lLR. Frutleot,Bltiiu laPals, Paris. Australian Kspot, ' " rrlsir.'.'DStSn.'u 8.A.T' 1h,IU' DUUU AHU'CIIEMIOAX, c6w'OlLT10JJ, Soli ft I I I |